Unspillable Alternative Energy Website


Jesuit OATH Infiltrate their Religions, Masons Clubs, Governments How New world Order is taking over Whole World Using DRUGS, Bribes, Wars, Crypto jews (Alumbrados Society) started Jesuits=BLACK POPE swore OATH INFILTRATE ALL RELIGIONS Masons, Clubs pretend to be one fo them jesuits started=Knights of Columbus=Started NeoCons=Protestants=Prescott Bush S&B322 did Business with Hitler SS Hats Rings #322, tried to get General Butler to KILL President Roselvelt and set up Hitler style Government this is in Our Congressional Record, NeoCons started Little News Papers across America owned by Methodist and Episcoplians one bunch of news papers they own is Southern Newspapers inc, they get Methodist Judges, Governors, District Attorney Sheriffs etc Elected, Bring in Drugs to little Communities they control see Plane Loads of Drugs CIA Secret pictures take of President Bush at Large Drug plant TATUM CHRONICLES, listen to phone Calls in America Amdox also wrote programs for CALEA, ZIONIST=Crypto Jews been using drugs for Centuries to Control People at one time they all of China Hooked on heroin see Hidden History at LarouchePAC=Documentaries, Lenin and Stalin and Hitler used Fluoride in Water to keep people in a Zombie state see Eustace Mullins, see Book Fluoride Deception see Fluoride the DEVIL’s POISON on Amazon books, see 3000 professionals and Dr. Hirzy Testify before Congress representing 7000 EPA ban many Films at www.FLUORIDEACTION.net, Fluoride is a NeuroToxin in Brain, Its