The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. 宝くじ当選 当選金一億お譲りします says:


  2. So I was going to make a regular pico reef when I came acros the idea to make it run by solar power. Iris going to be small and have a canopy and stand I may use a sump run by pressure and a air pump. I’m going to use a 6v solar panel with alligator clips to charge a 6v battery which will power the led boulb with the remote with many colors 6 volt and 12 volt panels – YouTube 3W GU10 16 Colors Changing RGB LED Light Bulb With Remote: Electronics I was going to use another set of all

  3. ◆◇◆◇◆お金にお困りの方に5,000,000円お譲りします◆◇◆◇◆【】お話が長くなってしまうので、単刀直入に申します。どなたかお金にお困りの方いましたら、こちら【】の、5,000,000円をお譲りしたいと思っています・・。Youtube内ですと書き込みが削除されます場合がございますので、お受け取りになられる方は、こちらの【】←のリンクより、スムーズにお話を進める事ができます。最短で、約30分程でお受け取りする事も可能となっております。お受け取りするにあたって、条件等も一切ございませんので、皆様お早めのご連絡お待ちしております。いきなりの書き込み失礼しました。

  4. ◆◇◆◇◆お金にお困りの方に5,000,000円お譲りします◆◇◆◇◆【】お話が長くなってしまうので、単刀直入に申します。どなたかお金にお困りの方いましたら、こちら【】の、5,000,000円をお譲りしたいと思っています・・。Youtube内ですと書き込みが削除されます場合がございますので、お受け取りになられる方は、こちらの【】←のリンクより、スムーズにお話を進める事ができます。最短で、約30分程でお受け取りする事も可能となっております。お受け取りするにあたって、条件等も一切ございませんので、皆様お早めのご連絡お待ちしております。いきなりの書き込み失礼しました。

  5. 【】いきなりの書き込み失礼致します。私の諸事情によりどなた様かお金をお受け取りになって下さいます方いらっしゃいませんか?どなた様でも構いません…こちらの【】リンクか又は、youtube内動画検索にて『 よふさ 』で検索して頂きますと、最短で30分程でお受け取り可能となってます…

  6. @JoelTorre
    Me too dude. My first month savings was an
    astounding 20%. I installed it myself at home
    and in 30days test cycle of w/c ive just received
    in my bill from power supply,my bill was lesser
    than the previous month.Ive happy to it that I
    can save for a larger family or even a commer-
    cial property owner. Anyway, your site name was
    spelled wrong. That should be:

  7. where did you get those bulbs? because i would really like to know for my flashlight project

  8. We are manufacturer/exporter of LED light and LED display based in China. Now we are looking for Sales Agents to expand our business further.
    For more details please discuss on Skype:janekimyan
    or send me an email at

  9. We are professionally manufacturing LED light for years. call me if you wanna import from Pnjie.

  10. Did low power indoor LED lighting popular or will more easy to be acceptable by the customer? if it’s true,i would like to make some sample for you to make a test!

  11. They can reach 60 Lm/W for the warm white(3000K),can instead 15-20W incandescent light .and the quality has become more stable after a long time

  12. Hi ,i would like to offer some info if you still need panels or other LED lighting ,they may like the style in your county,

  13. Hey how long can you run a 2 watt LED on a 12 volt deep cycle battery before the battery is completely dead? or how many amps per hour would a 2 watt led use? ruffly speaking? Thanx Dale…


6 Watt Solar Panel 2 Watt LED Light Emitting Diode Indoor Outdoor Lighting “Top DIY Solar Panels” This is a direct solar to lighting application using a very efficient LED bulb setup. The Solar Panel is a very small 6 watt Amorphous Cell. Solar Training Solar Career Options.
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