The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

6 Responses

  1. Why take over the oil fields? If we just leave them as they are without operating them we can drive up the demand and the price of oil. If we control the oil fields we can manipulate the market and drive gas up to 3$ a gallon and have our oil corporations get rich. Its not costing more to refine the oil there is just less of it coming into the US. You think record profits of Mobil and record high gasoline prices are not related? If you can’t connect those dots yourself then all of this is way over your head.

  2. Who knows why Pres. Bush went to war. Only HE knows…and we can’t get inside his head. As for the oil fields, the insurgents are bombing those which makes it highly unlikely that we can obtain oil if that is the case. Also, I suggest you read the Iron Triangle. That gives a lot of insight into Mr. Bush, the Saudi connection…possibly more information that you might want to know.

  3. My guess is that no one is going to answer your question with any specific, verifiable information. They can’t.

    The United States is not some illegitimate, rogue criminal organization. We cannot take oil or other property from another sovereign nation. We are the United States of America, not the USSR during the era of Communism.

    Someone might claim the U.S. was going to “take over the oil fields” for security purposes, but that oil would not come to the U.S. for free. Every nation in the world would denounce us, and rightly so.

    The claims the Iraq was was “blood for oil” is so childish. If these clowns remember, we initially hoped the Iraq war would be paid for by oil revenues from Iraqi production. That means, the Iraqis would sell their oil on the international market, and use some of the proceeds to pay their debts.

    Number of Iraqi tankers that have reached U.S. shores with free oil: ZERO.

  4. I am a liberal and have never used the “war for oil” argument. The argument I use is “war for riches”. It made no difference who we attacked, as long as we attacked somebody. Halliburton is recording record profits, and Dick Cheney by extension. Bush’s father is making a lot of money through the Carlyle Group, which owns United Defense Industries, United States Marine Repair, and EG&G Technical Services, all of which are turning heavy profits from this war.

    As for the correlation between Bush and gas prices, I think his actions have a direct, although unintentional, effect of raising them. It’s supply and demand. Before the war Iraq produced 3.5 million barrels of oil per day. Now they are producing 1.6 million. Oil prices spiked slightly when the administration talked about attacking Iran for the first time – fear speculation.

    There are an equal number of sheeple on both sides of the aisle. Blindly following anyone is not patriotism, it’s stupidity.

  5. Can you show proof that he isn’t? Although I think Bush is an idiot, the people who cover for him are not. Do you really think there are any documents available to us? They hide things pretty well.

  6. If you had bothered to do your research (as you seem to claim), you would have no doubt learned that the “provisional” Iraqi government i.e. the one installed by the USA prior to the recent Iraqi elections signed an agreement with the US to allow development of it’s oil fields (which were previously state owned). This agreement entends to both US and UK registered oil companies, hence the reason as to why Elf-Acquitaine, the French oil company, has complained to World Trade Organization (WTO) as it is losing out.

    In addition, Iraq has agreed to sell discounted oil to the USA (to the tune of $20 Billion over 5 years) by way of a repayment for the cost of the war.

    If the USA had gone into Iraq under a UN Mandate it could not have negotiated such a lucarative deal.

    As to why it wants cheap Iraqi oil, it is nothing to do with the Bush family “being in oil”. Basically, the number one supplier of oil to the USA is Saudi Arabia, which is a country under growing threat from islamic militants.

    Iraq has the World’s 2nd largest oild reserves and will therefore offer an alternative source should the oil flow from Saudi ever get disrupted or stopped (by a change of ruler or governemnt. Heck, they might even end up with a democracy there !!!).

    Bottom line is that the US no longer wants to have all of its eggs in the one basket by relying on Saudi Arabia for the bulk of its oil. It needs another supplier, hence the war with Iraq.

Bush war for oil conspiracy theories.?

For those of you who say (or actually repeat what they hear without researching) that Bush went to Iraq for the oil, please answer:

Why hasn’t the U.S. taken over the oil fields, and taken oil from Iraq?


Can you please show me exactly how bush is connected to ‘big oil’. I would like something more than, “his family made their money in oil.” Please show me (with documented proof) where Bush is linked to gas prices.

Since I’m not a sheeple like most liberals, I would like to see something more concrete than accusations. thanks.
I know the answer by the way, it is because the fields belong to the Iraqi people, and they are not the reason we went to Iraq.

by the way, I had no idea that the insurgents had bombers.