The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

How many People on here know of NIKOLA TESLA???

I have been obsessed with Nikola Tesla ever since my dad told me about him when I was about 10 he is undoubtabley the greatest free thinker that ever lived and if you dont know about him check out this link and give me your opinion and if you find him interesting introduce him to your children and friends and we can create a generation of free thinkers and inventors. Would that not be cool?”
Have you heard of Flight 19 , The Phillidelpia Experiment (time travel), HAARP weather control), The Monauk Project (mass mind control), Star Wars (not the movie) ,advanced satelight protection grid)? they are also all connected to Nikola Tesla by his patents and or ideas.
I posted this same question in the sub-category engineering in Science & Mathematics and it has been removed because of some kind of violation (someone reported it as abuse) if you do not see any abuse or violation in this question please contact customer service, and ask them to restore the same question in Science & Mathematics / Engineering. It has 17 answers that I would really like to read. Again, only do this if you see no violation. Thank you all for your input on this question.