The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

4 Responses

  1. It is very much a mixed bag. 80 years ago some countries had 70%+ renewable energy, they were using Hydro.

    Some countries still have a large Hydro component in their energy profile. The country I reside in had 70% hydro for electricity and could have more, but isn’t organized enough to do it, so they have over recent years been adding gas turbines to produce the shortfall. The larger the economy the longer it will take to make the shift. Europe is about 20-30% on clean energy now. So they can make 50% in the next 20 years without too much pain.

    It really is a lot to do with changing public opinion. I also helps to educate people, not to scare them with horror stories and lies. Going to clean energy will create jobs, improve the environment and create wealth. Long term it will result in cleaner cheaper energy. Once people realise that going green does not mean the end of their world, it can all happen very quickly.

    The Deniers would have you believe the opposite, bit like the Luddites of Olde England who did not like the introduction of machinery in the textile industry.

  2. Nuclear ain’t clean! The current reactor type was designed to produce Plutonium for weapons, because Rickover wanted nukes on his subs. There is a Thorium reactor that is very clean, but you can’t just swap out the fuel rods, it’s a different design.

    Hydro isn’t clean either. When you dam up a river, it begins backing up sediment behind the dam and the natural flow is lost. Plus you only get electricity when it rains enough.

    Cheap, easy oil is gone already. Most of the cleaner anthracite coal is also gone. By 2020, if America survives everything else, we will have to have made the switch.

    Electric cars will never be common, though. There is no battery that has the energy density of gasoline/diesel.

  3. Pretty much agree totally with you….40-50 yr.s seems like the breaking point for this petroleum/fossil fuel era…..and it’s greedy corporate power czars.Of course there are still plenty of fellow humans out there that believe in capitalist profit at all costs…until some ultimate world crisis forces them to actually “think” a bit more than a few days of gluttony ahead.You see the US right now(the last several years) taking claim to the middle east oil reserves in hopes of perpetuating their “all is well” oil lifestyle.There are so many clamps/powers/propaganda of control right now leading the sheep to slaughter….it’s gonna take some kind of real awakening in consciousness and perhaps catastrophe or revolution for this present gridlocked US political,environmental,egalitarian system to change.We are lazy as heck.We have everything to save the world..resources,technology,etc..etc..yet the mega rich and their incompetent inheritant offspring are just gonna live their excessive lives and watch the world slowly fall apart….Sorry I get a bit impassioned on the really big issues that the stupid just don’t get.Peace.Laters.

  4. It will become mainstream when the government quits filling people full of lies about it’s implications. Tech is here today to have a OU generator in your home, and never have to pay for power, or fuel again, but because of the strangle hold the profit interest has on corporate america, they refuse to allow people to know anything but what they can profit off of. And when there’s no other options, the limited ones can become more and more profitable.

    There is a group of people that are getting ready to shatter that strangle hold. They have developed green power solutions and are getting together 1.6 million people, over ever major city in america, at the same time for a mass public demonstration. Google the name Dennis Lee for more details.

    I am an electrical engineer that is also designing my own systems FAR more efficient than Dennis Lee’s team, and will be up and running to power this entire neighbourhood by mid summer. The generator prototype is almost complete, and can be mass produced as easily as a car alternator. And unlike Dennis Lee’s team, mine can be bought to OWN, and is completely unlimited, as where Dennis Lee’s team only accounts for the average household power usage.

    Email me for more information at

    WARNING: I do report hate mail and spam to the ISP of the sender and the local authorities.

When do you think clean energy will become mainstream?

By clean energy, I mean forms of energy such as solar, nuclear, hydroelectric, etc. And by mainstream, I mean providing at least fifty percent of all the energy. I’m just curious as to what other people who may know more about this issue than me think. I assume it won’t be at least for 40 or 50 years since we, or at least America, is way too slow and lazy to make an extremely beneficial change such as switching to clean energy. What do you all think?