The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

8 Responses

  1. some scientists say that solar power has a great affect on the environment, because that feel it takes away light energy from the environment itself. sounds funny, but think what would happen if you put 5 square miles of solar panels on each state.

  2. I assume you’re asking about negative effects, and there really aren’t any except for the environmental damage that would be caused in manufacturing and transporting them. Once they’re up and running, they’re about as environmentally hazardous as a rock.

    …they wouldn’t take light energy away from nature unless they were located above a rain forest canopy or something. Most solar plants are in desert regions. The radiation that hits the sand there is wasted anyway (ie, turned into heat).

  3. Let us say there is a list of negatives associated with Solar Power, no matter how bad those were, the value has to be measured against what it is you are displacing. If we build a 3 megawatt Solar Field, it is displacing 3 megawatts of some other source of electricity. So compare those negatives to the negatives of coal, oil, natural gas, or nuclear. I’d say the decision of surrendering 250 acres of desert versus 25 acres for a coal plant spewing tons of emissions isn’t exceptionally difficult. Good Luck!

  4. the most environmental impact i can see is possibly from whats in a photovoltaic or a solar cell in the event that its broken or the environmental cost of making it. ie, silicon has a long refining process which may use relatively large amounts of energy. also, it is also dangerous to be inhaled. im not sure if its dangerous or not to the environment though

  5. not much if on a roof , otherwise pretty much the land that it takes up , that carbon eating trees could be grown on, also you must keep in mind of all the things that go into the manufacture of the equipment. the making of plastics and processing of metal .energy for all this i.e.. the melting copper for making wiring then you have the work trucks that have to drive out and any environmental issues around the installation process , fuel, metal grinding dust, workmen pissing behind bushes lunch trash, and then the disposal of parts as they need replacement, I’m not 100% sure of how solar collection fields effect local wild life other the obvious displacement,, do the birds get blinded by glare while flying over head, do the worms get cold in the shade , grass may not grow underneath ,. and clearing of land and native plants may contribute to top soil erosion

  6. Aussie has already got a big solar power plant .its called the sun.
    sadly ours in UK only shows up occasionaly.
    so in aussie they can grow grapes to make wine amd have tourists go swim at the beach .
    In UK we have rain and floods so we huddle indoors and burn up fossil fuels .

  7. energy can neither be created or destroyed. Scientific fact. You can change it or change it’s useage but it will always be there for the benefit of mankind. I see no adverse effects by using it for any purpose other than using it for destruction.

How does Solar Power effect the enviroment?

I mean, if i was to put a solar power plant in, say, Austraila, what effects would it have on the enviroment.