The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

For the posters who actually think global warming is a left conspiracy theory?

(and anyone else) Do you honestly believe that millions of automobiles & trucks driving over millions of millions of roads has absolutely NO EFFECT at all on the environment, exhaust from said vehicles and burning natural resources for energy have NOTHING to do with polar ice caps melting?

Comments about nuclear energy will be ignored…I’m specifically asking if you people think MAN had NOTHING to do with global warming as respected scientists around the world think otherwise.
zee-ster- the only one that posted links, thanks, hon
nose- actually, “climate change” (you say potato…) has been traced back to the middle ages if not before, so, no, I don’t think it started in the 40s. Can’t you people answer a simple question? You HONESTLY think MAN had NOTHING to do with this?
Thayer- thanks, someone with a BRAIN (((Thayer)))
@@Rez- Are you single? Let’s get married!