The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

19 Responses

  1. Because it’s ‘unfair’ to the rest of the world who are trying to achieve it (Iran, North Korea, ect…).

  2. The libbies in Europe love it, but the libbies in the US are afraid of it for some reason.

  3. Here’s what one group against it has to say:

    The Case Against Nuclear Power

    Costly nuclear power poses unnecessary safety and environmental risks, is heavily dependent on taxpayer and ratepayer subsidies, and generates deadly radioactive waste. Building new nuclear power plants will also not effectively address climate change. Public Citizen advocates phasing out nuclear power in favor of safe, clean and affordable energy alternatives.

    I think that after Ten Mile Island no one in this country wanted to talk too loudly about nuclear power plants. We still have them, but no one talks much about them or champions the cause for them. Then Chernobyl happened and we’re still seeing the damage from that, which was very extensive. I think it simply freaks most people out. Personally, I think it deserves a very serious look again.

  4. People are scared of it, though we ask our Navy to live literally right next to it.

    The French use it a lot and most Americans, for some reason, think they are wimpy.

    So, if the French can deal with it, I’d guess we can too.

  5. Not sure, but most of these idiots don’t realize that most of Europe uses nuclear power.

  6. What is yet to be resolved is what to do with waste. Currently, there is no good way to dispose of high-energy spent nuclear waste. All we are doing right now is to store it in secure site in Nevada. These material will remain dangerous for millions of years.

    Don’t believe everything you hear on media or loudest people on the Internet… They don’t give you the whole picture, and certainly, they won’t tell you many of inconvenient facts.

  7. It is extremely dangerous and the power plants actually do cost a lot of money

  8. I really wish we would but like somebody else said it’s probably because we deny so many other countries to use it. I think we should just eject the waste into space towards the sun instead of burying it although that could cost a lot.

  9. Because it would appear hypocritical when we are against Iran`s development of it. Even though we know their ambitions are nuclear weapons and not just for power generation. Russia and China would chime in along with N. Korea and Iran if we got serious about this. We are keeping our options open.

  10. uranium is a limited resource and is even more rare than oil. Estimates say it will lose power capabilities from 50-150 years.

  11. The movie “The China Syndrome”.
    Then there was the incident at 3 mile island, that killed no one.
    Then Chernobyl, which was Russian bad engineering.
    France gets 72% of their energy from Nuclear Power.
    We have 110 nuclear energy plants.
    We could store Nuclear waste in Yucca Mt, but environmentalists have scared people away from a safe, clean means of energy.
    It all boils down to ignorance.

  12. Because NUCLEAR is a bad word. Without educating themselves people just hear the word and run. Never mind it is safe, clean and VERY efficient.

  13. People don’t take the time to understand the risk/benefit analysis, it is easier to use fear to influence public opinion.
    There are several reasons I believe people are scared of nuclear power:
    1. Nuclear explosions/bombs are linked in peoples minds to nuclear power plants, even though it is physically impossible for a nuclear reactor to have a nuclear detonation. If people thought of napalm every time they filled their car with gasoline we would probably have no combustion engine automobiles.
    2. People do not understand how nuclear power plants operate and people fear the unknown. If we did a better job explaining the basics of nuclear power, in simple language, fewer people would be afraid.
    3. People believe nuclear power is not “natural” and as such dangerous. They are unaware of the naturally occurring reactor that was discovered to have been in operation underground in South Africa thousands of years ago.
    4. Activists have been fear mongering to dupe people out of their hard earned money for decades. They have made their living on perpetuating the fear.
    5. People believe that nuclear power plants are not 100% safe, and they are right, nothing is 100% safe. Di-hydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) is objectively one of the deadliest substances known to man, but to ban it is sheer idiocy. Nuclear power is however one of the safest technologies ever used to produce electricity, which has saved countless lives preventing lung disease, hypothermia, and provided a standard of living better than any in history. There has to be a risk/benefit analysis with nuclear power, like DHMO, the benefit far outweighs the risk.

Why are we not focusing on nuclear power, the cheapest and cleanest energy source?

It costs less than a tenth of wind power.