The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

10 Responses

  1. People should ride bicycles everywhere.

    Truckers should be banned and they should hook up lines of bicycles to transport goods!

  2. He got the okay from is left wing environmentalist who knew they would have to give on something to gain a whole bunch.

  3. The Democrats and Leftists in their midst know full well that they are in deep political doo doo . They are grasping at mere straws in a lame attempt to save their collective political hides .

  4. dont worry it not in the budget

    hahahahhaha h

    nor is NASA’s shot to the moon during this depresion

  5. It tells me that on that issue, he’s thinking rationally. We’re not able to meet all of our energy demands solely from renewable energy like wind, water and solar. The cost-benefit ratio of nuclear energy makes it the most logical alternative to both fossil fuels and renewable energy.

  6. It means he is ignorant of the costs of building a nuclear power plant.

  7. The thought of the government encouraging large businesses like malls and manufacturing plants to use their parking lots.roofs to provide renewable energy just sounds like the people getting ahead and taking care of themselves. can’t have that now.

What does it tell us when our President prefers Nuclear Power over Clean renewable energy.?

Tells me that he prefers people like Mr. Burns…
Nuclear energy isn’t efficient at all. Nuclear doesn’t just pop out of plain air, you know. Then you have to build and maintain the plant. Keep it and the surrounding environment safe from it, every day. Dispose the waste which never dissapears. Nuclear plants use absorbatant amounts of water to keep them running, too. So say good bye to all that water you love. Billions and billions to build and maintain but this is never once talked about its staunch beneficiaries, I mean supporters.