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28 Responses

  1. Who the hell ever asked for that? I’ve never seen anyone ever ask that question.

    You are aware that “bearing false witness” is lying, and that is a sin?

  2. Dude…you’re an inspiration.
    I’m to lazy for even a bad copy/paste job. Keep up the good work.

  3. I didn’t ask for that, but who are these people? What are their doctorates in? Where did they study for them? Where do they work now?

  4. Compared to all of the doctors I’ve heard of, that’s a short list. Plus I never asked for that.

  5. Could you show me proof of what they studied in science and the proof of creationism in that science? Have they wrote doctorates and papers that have been read and researched and debated by other scientist and found to be sound theories?
    Because other than that it’s just a list of names. I can give a list that long of people who still believe the earth is flat, despite the evidence.

  6. Maybe because their evolutionists?

    o_o. This sounds more like you’re trying to prove atheists wrong and start some philosophical debate that cannot be won. It’s a battle that’s been fought before and cannot be won. :)

  7. I could list all the “scientists” who believe in New Age bullsh!t, but that wouldn’t make any of it true would it?

    PS, there is not enough room here to list every scientist who understands that evolution happened.

  8. Most of those scientists are just smart enough to know that you can believe in evolution and creation at the same time. One thing does not exclude the other. Some christians are just so blinded by what they consider to be faith that they can not think for themselves.

  9. Had never heard of those people, so I picked a random name of your list and Googled it.

    “John Baumgardner was working on a Ph.D. in electrical engineering when he discovered the reality of Jesus in a dramatic way through a group Bible study of the Gospel of John. After a four-year tour of duty at the Air Force Weapons Laboratory, where he was engaged in gas dynamic laser research, he joined the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ. Observing the deliberate use of evolution to assault and destroy the faith of Christian college students, Dr. Baumgardner began to develop and present classroom lectures and evening forums to expose evolution’s false claims.”

  10. You forgot their academic credentials from whence they received these supposed doctorates.

    Why is Michael Behe missing from your list? He’s the one that came up with the theory of irreducible complexity.

    Oh that’s right. Irreducible complexity was blown out of the water at the trial of Kitzmiller v. Dover School Board.

  11. Slight generalisation there that most atheists ask for scientists with doctorates I meerly have my beliefs and it doesn’t bother me when people have theirs.

  12. Now how many of those are taken seriously by the rest of the scientific community on the topic of creationism? And how many of them are actual biologists?

    Also that’s a very small number of people considering how huge the scientific community is.

    Just scientists name Steve that support evolution out number you. There are 900+ of them that support evolution and you don’t even have 100 names on your list.

  13. Gotta source for that list? One that includes their fields of science?

    @John… When it comes to the merits of evolution? Yes, biologists are the only acceptable people. Anyone else is just a layman even if he or she is a brilliant engineer.

  14. I’ve never asked that. Also, I’d like to see you narrow those guys down to biologists. For all we know, Ker Thompson could be a meteorologist and thus have little knowledge on animal structure.

  15. Firstly, what’s the problem with plurals today? Atheist and scientist?


    Agard, E. Theo is a physicist. Maybe it’s just me, but a physicist isn’t an evolutionary biologist. Same for most of those people…it’s like trying to compare a neurosurgeon with a opthalmologist.

    And the more important point… want me to give you a list of scientists with doctorate degrees that DON’T believe in special creation? Trust me, the list is much much longer.

  16. The best thing about these silly (and disturbingly short) lists, is that they inspired project Steve, which is hilarious.

    For those of you who don’t know, project Steve is a similar list, except that’s it’s limited to people named Steve (or Stephanie, Stephan, Stephano, etc.). They got more than this in a few days.

  17. For every rule there is an exception. Besides, that’s really a small list of names considering how many THOUSANDS of scientists there are in the world.

  18. Your list proves nothing. These could be random names from who knows where. You don’t post their credentials or proof they claim to be christian or creationist. This list is meaningless.

  19. Here’s a real-live PhD chemist who thinks that creationists are a bunch of deluded morons!
    Care to comment on that?

  20. Thanks. I see many names in common with THIS list; which includes their credentials and many links to CONTACT them, if skeptics have legitimate questions:

    It is interesting to see atheist responses to this. Evolutionary biology is the only “acceptable?” field of education?

    Neither Zoologists, Mechanical Engineers, Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, Palaeontologists, Geologists, Nuclear Engineering, Forensic physicists, Genetics, nor Degrees in Biology are considered “educated?” Regardless of their fields of endeavor, doesn’t it take SOME intelligence to aquire a Phd or doctorate? Apparently not…

    Tell them yourself, the page I’ve posted has links…

    Actually, atheists are willing to consider someone who is mentally retarded as intelligent, as long as the mentally challenged individual does not question their beliefs. This is more of a sign of cultish behavior than anything else, and I regard their mindset as…Well, I guess that’s against community guidlines. See Psalm 14:1

Why do atheist ask for creationist to show them scientist with doctorates in science who believe in Creation?

Well, i thought i would go ahead and post a few for anyone that wondered.

Agard, E. Theo
Allan, James
Anderson, Kevin
Armstrong, Harold
Arndt, Alexander
Austin, Steven
Barnes, Thomas
Batten, Don
Baumgardner, John
Bergman, Jerry
Boudreaux, Edward
Byl, John
Catchpoole, David
Chadwick, Arthur
Chaffin, Eugene
Chittick, Donald
Cimbala, John
Clausen, Ben
Cole, Sid
Cook, Melvin
Cumming, Ken
Cuozzo, Jack
Darrall, Nancy
Dewitt, David
DeYoung, Donald
Downes, Geoff
Eckel, Robert
Faulkner, Danny
Ford, Dwain
Frair, Wayne
Gentry, Robert
Giem, Paul
Gillen, Alan
Gish, Duane
Gitt, Werner
Gower, D.B.
Grebe, John
Grocott, Stephen
Harrub, Brad
Hawke, George
Hollowell, Kelly
Holroyd, Edmond
Hosken, Bob
Howe, George
Humphreys, D. Russell
Javor, George
Jones, Arthur
Kaufmann, David
Kennedy, Elaine
Klotz, John
Koop, C. Everett
Korochkin, Leonid
Kramer, John
Lammerts, Walter
Lester, Lane
Livingston, David
Lopez, Raul
Marcus, John
Marsh, Frank
Mastropaolo, Joseph
McCombs, Charles
McIntosh, Andrew
McMullen, Tom
Meyer, Angela
Meyer, John
Mitchell, Colin
Morris, Henry
Morris, John
Mumma, Stanley
Parker, Gary
Peet, J. H. John
Rankin, John
Rosevear, David
Roth, Ariel
Rusch, Wilbert
Sarfati, Jonathan
Snelling, Andrew
Standish, Timothy
Taylor, Stephen
Thaxton, Charles
Thompson, Bert
Thomson, Ker
Vardiman, Larry
Veith, Walter
Walter, Jeremy
Wanser, Keith
Whitcomb, John
White, A.J.(Monty)
Wilder-Smith, Arthur Ernest
Wile, Jay
Williams, Emmett
Wise, Kurt
Wolfrom, Glen
Zuill, Henry