The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

11 Responses

  1. If you want FREE programs then go to my channel (click on my name) when you get there click on any video you like, copy and paste the link given in the description, and finish a SHORT survey to begin your download!.

  2. yep too cheap we would all be gluttons not have to work and multiply faster…

  3. Obama… how much money do you have for this? A billion or two thrown this way would not hurt our wall street friends. But be prepared for quakes, toxic gas and maybe a pet volcano.. lol.
    Regulation is not a dirty word. Use it.

  4. Soylentgreenb,
    I appreciate that developing new energy requires energy. Cost is a big issue. But we must spend money and energy that we have now to ensure that we have something else to step across to when the limited sources of energy we currently use run out. The endurance potential of this particular energy source is attractive.
    I also feel that the oil companies investing in this don’t want to make themselves redundant too soon. I hope they are not trying to play ‘God’ with our future.

  5. “Other countries … have been considering this for a long time.”

    They’ve been mapping the resource and building test plants with limited success. Works great in Iceland because they’ve got huge heat reservoirs right at the surface.

    “What is stopping things?”

    Cost. Oil companies are the chief supporters of HDR(they need something to do when the oil is gone) and they’re in the business of drilling very deep holes and working with well stimulation technology and imaging.

  6. “the reason it has not been developed is because they are trying to figure out how to make money on it. It is to cheap a source, lol.”

    No, it has been technologically difficult and expensive to extract outside of a few locations with very good resource(e.g. Iceland).

    Recent advances in oil drilling and oil well stimulation technology has made it more practical.

  7. the reason it has not been developed is because they are trying to figure out how to make money on it. It is to cheap a source, lol.

  8. Heat mining is the obvious answer to the world’s energy problems. It is immense and easily obtainable, and also virtually constantly renewable.
    But I’m curious to know why this initiative is called an American initiative. Other countries, alas not having the resources of the American economy, have been considering this for a long time.
    What is stopping things?

  9. thank you for this video, it really means a lot to me on a very deep level.

    at the mark of 2:58-3:00 the man in the brown jacket, 2nd from the right, is my grandfather. It puts a smile on my face, and a tear in my eye since he is no longer with us.

    I’ve dedicated my first semester of my senior year in high school to doing a project over the Hot Dry Rock program. And I appreciate this video more than most.

    Thank you.

Hot Dry Rock EnviroVideo Documentary #303

Hot Dry Rock – An energy free lunch! Yes, Hot Rock Geothermal Energy can supply all the energy we’ll ever need, say scientists and environmentalists familiar with the technology. It taps the heat in the rock just below the ground. There is no environmental cost, no safety problems, no waste. And it works! This program explains how Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Energy functions – and why it’s not being fully developed.