It’s a debate over the future of Diablo Canyon. People on both sides are voicing some strong opinions on whether the nuclear power plant should have its licenses renewed. PG&E is asking the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to extend the plant’s licenses another 20 years. The application for that was filed back in November. The current licenses for two units at Diablo are set to expire in the years 2024 and 2025. Dozens turned out for a meeting held on Tuesday by the NRC in San Luis Obispo. There were many people with questions and others who wanted their voices heard. Jane Swanson, San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace, said, “What we’d like to see happen is for Diablo to end its life when these licenses that it currently holds expires.” If Diablo’s licenses are approved, they would carry the nuclear power plant another 20 years, through 2044 and 2045. From PG&E’s standpoint, it’s the best option. Loren Sharp, PG&E spokesperson, said, “It’s safe, reliable and clean. From a cost alternative, it’s far cheaper than any of the alternatives. In this situation, I think it’s really to the consumers benefit all the way.” However, Swanson disagrees. She said the combination of energy efficient measures can replace the need for nuclear power. Swanson said, “If we put our minds to it, we can do it. California is leading the way in that.” Another area of debate surrounding Diablo is safety. Sharp said, “We are bounded by our original licenses basis, so there’s no need for additional …