The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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8 Responses

  1. @090734032 did you watch the video? He was sleeping. Joseph Hazelwood is a hero because he was trying to catch the crew up on sleep, they were all over the legal “on duty” time limits. Also it was Exxons fault for letting the vessel sail with out a working sonar. Wiki that ass, it’ll setcha str8

  2. This kind of things happens because nobody does anything! What I mean is the HAVE to be punished for what they did. I’ve just heard that the captain WAS DRINKING AND DRIVING! My dear lord, just to think that all this people and innocent animals suffered so much, because of this irresponsable stupid should drop dead person. I bet he can’t sleep at night with all the guilty conscience

  3. Could somebody put up videos of old network newscasts reporting the incident? I want to see Dan Rather and his striped hair of 1989.

  4. @mgmansell I think whats happening in the gulf is worse because there was a finite amount of oil on board the valdez, no-one knows how much oil will spill out of the gulf. Personally I think the spill will soon become a global problem and eventually endanger all marine life….. Not good :(

  5. This sounds exactly like what’s happening in the gulf of mexico right now… exact same talking points and news reports. The coast of the Mississippi is going to be destroyed just like Alaska’s shore.

  6. this is one of the worst things ever, I want to change that, I will try my best to colectively do something, not against petrol but in favor of the planet, I want to find a better combustible, which don’t damage the planet, my planet, our planet.

Exxon Valdez March 1989

Exxon Valdez oil spill – montage of news reports from March 24-26,1989