The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

19 Responses

  1. @revlimiterUK . its true that it takes more energy to produce. it has been known that hydrogen is burned cooler there for letting the engine run more freely depending on the oil used thus allowing more garenteed power. There are now safer practices of producing and storing hydrogen. We can use solar panels to produce hydrogen and solar panels become more efficient every year.

  2. props dude. my buddy did this with his honda civic. it was his senior project. he did all the research and built the same jar cells you did. on a manual civic that got 29 miles per gallon. he added the fuel cell to get about 35 per gallon. it works. it just seems sketchy. but dont be all freaked out kids!!! just scared of a little science.

  3. Those buses are hydrogen powered. This has absolutely nothing to do with on-demand on-board HHO generation through electrolysis.

  4. Those buses are hydrogen powered. This has absolutely nothing to do with on-demand on-board HHO generation through electrolysis.

  5. it works! the shuttle buses at the olympics are on it right now. it was just on the news.

  6. if it is a scam, then why are they talking about on the news at the olympics? the shuttle/buses over there are using it right now!

  7. The definition of a fuel cell is an electrochemical cell where electricity is generated through a reaction.

    HHO’ers think fuel cell sounds cool and want to steal buzz words to help market their scams.

  8. And “cell phone” is basically a battery for the phone. You can’t “talk” on a battery phone. You can talk on a “mobile phone.”

    I wonder if it frustrates you when you hear people say Cell phone instead of Mobile Phone?

  9. There is no way this can work. You simply cant get more out than you put in. If hydrogen is the answer, producing it this way makes no sense and the amount produced is so tiny it cant possibly make a significant difference.

  10. A fuel cell is an electrochemical cell that produces electricity from a fuel tank.
    Nothing to do with HHO.

  11. a few good resources to look into on youtube are:


  12. If you add more electrolyte it will increase the output, but it will also increase the amperage. If you add more electrolyte, your fuse will probably pop. You might also want to look into a 12V Automotive Circuit Breaker on Ebay. It will save you having to continually buy fuses.

    The best electrolyte to use is KOH (potassium hydroxide), but you have to order it online, because you won’t find it in any store. I get mine from essentialdepot(dot)com for less than $10 for a 2lb bottle.

  13. It is great that you are experimenting. I started with the wire in a jar fuel cells, but quickly realized that they are not efficient at all. The amperage is too high with stainless wire and it will eventually melt and warp the plastic supporting the wire. The water will also get too hot and will cause steam to be released into your intake.

    Look into HHO Dry Cells. They are a much better way of doing this.

  14. I am an engineering student and I get a kick out of the “research” that everyone is doing. SCIENCE FAIL good job retard and way to drive a huge truck to waste all of natural resources!! You are a dumbass, maybe take a chemistry class or thermodynamics class! Thanks! Once again good job retard!

  15. try it with ice cubes,cold water and bi-carb (works alot better!!) :D goodluck

  16. Fantastic job. You showed it and you are testing it and also learning from all this and sharing it with us all.

  17. great job! be persistent I two am working with hydro ,solar,wind vechicle it never need in customizing sev super energy efficient vehicle.sun4777

  18. be careful with adding your baking soda it will increas the amps of the cells

  19. I was trying to give your video 5 stars but accidentally gave it one…sorry!! Looks great- way to be persistent!

Hydrogen Fuel Cell it WORKS!!!

At the time when the gas prices were high and my truck being a gas guzzler, I saw online & on the news how a car can run on water?!? I did my research and saw a lot of videos. I thought I give it a try and see if it works. If it doesn’t… Oh well. But if does work, I will let all my friends & family know about. Right now, the gas prices are low but give or take a month or so, the gas prices will be the same high price if not more. In any event, I bought my 3 hydrogen fuel cell (the 3 glass jars prep ready to be hooked up)on ebay. The only thing I had to buy was the tubing, wires, fuses, a switch, & etc. at home depot, auto zone, & vons (for the baking soda & distilled water). I’ve spent less than $200.00. To make a long story short… Before I hooked up this thing, my truck only gave me 250 miles on a full tank. My truck being lifted with big tires doesn’t help out as well. After hooking the Hydrogen Fuel Cell, my truck can go up to 312 miles on one full tank!!! That’s an additional 62 miles! Right now, I’m messing around with the baking soda & the fuses after using up all the gasoline and logging the total miles. I’m trying to see if I can make my truck take me close to 400 miles. If so, you’ll see another video. If you decide to buy the fuel cell online, you can buy the full kit but you will be paying over $400.00. it’s a lot cheaper if you get the additional parts yourself. Just buy the jars. That’s all you need. Like so, the more jars you have, the more hydrogen you