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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. lol if you wondering about the views youtube messes around with the hits on clips aswell as google to try to prevent ppl for knowing the truth

  2. this video is cancer-ed by jewtube just think about it a informed publican is a dangers 1 for the elites they need obedient s and jewtube dose that to make people feel like no 1 see this and no body cares it is all payd for this has 5, 486 views in 3 years lol thats so funny

  3. the narrator is Mumia abu jamal
    he broadcasts from death row, one of the black panthers.
    check out prisonradio org
    for more of his talks

  4. excellent video. sad to say that this has only been viewed 5,000 times since 2007. But I’m interested, who is the narrator? and where is this song from?

  5. trust me if u were raped u would know, like in Darfour, quit trivializing RAPE you fuckin retard

  6. hi distressed7,

    in Germany we learned a saying after WW2, which was: “you have the leaders you deserve.” This was a hard message for those which were believing that Adolf, who was looking so similiar of the comedian Charly Chaplin, but actually it was the truth and it ended for the Germans in a total desaster which was hard to recover from. You guys have the choice to follow the path of the Germans or you do something before you have a similiar desaster as we had. Awake out of hypnosis.

  7. yeah and thats not mentioning the $9T national debt… ie the country is broke, and the shit is almost hitting the fan

  8. We have been raped. We have been violated. We are a raped people. We have neen hypnotized by lies. Our “leaders” are rapists. Our soldiers are empty headed punks who know not right or wrong. They are what the prophets refer to as, “light and easy”. No depth. No real courage. It is time to arise. To free ourselves from lies.

  9. I’m a Canadian who likes America but I’m disappointed to see how your country’s society is becoming increasingly militaristic and authoritarian. For a long time your country’s public policy has been set by politicians who make deals with private companies to locate military industries in their districts as a substitute for making good regional development policies (Eisenhower was right about the military industrial complex after all) but now it’s getting worse with the “privatization” of war.

  10. This is because the US is the military for the UK. It’s all one step closer to nwo; it’s even written on the US dollar.

  11. Furthermore, we only have an estimated $5T worth of ‘assets’ in this country currently… that is without the human capital… yeah, that’s right, human capital is all you are to the masters. They even say that in the text books. It is a lot of wasted money on our part, while some are profiting, others are struggling just to pay the basic necessities of life.

  12. the problem is NEVER ENDING USELESS conflicts. We have been engaged in police actions for many, many years around the world, both alone and with other ‘govs’.

    War, and the effects of war, permeate all life and the planet we live on. It is one giant negative force that brings about more dread and death for profit. Yes, profits only. I don’t see any positive effects of war in any way here in the U.S.F.C.A.


  13. How can it honestly cost $600 Billion dollars… that’s like most of the money in USA. you’re saying war is gonna take over all of our lives since its taking over our economy?

  14. “Though they fight to protect our families against those cruel heartless people….” Shut up idiot because you don’t know what you are talking about. The U.S. troops are fighting, killing and losing their limbs, minds and lives in Iraq to make Bush, Cheny and their rich friends richer. Stupid.

  15. Actually, I hear that the war will not cost $600 billion.

    It will be higher.

    I hear that by the next two or three years that this illegal and unjust war will cost America $1 TRILLION DOLLARS!!!!

  16. I hate America with a passion. This nation spends hundreds of billions of dollars to destroy Iraqi society and culture and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis. America has turned these people against each other with it’s actions. While in the U.S. there are 37 million living in poverty and no one gives a crap. U.S. never seems to have money for humanitarian and charity activities abroad or domestically but it always seems to have an extra billion on hand for wars.

  17. My brother is in the Marines he’s been to Iraq and made it back unfortunately hundreds have to suffer and die.Extremely heartbreaking when I hear about it I do cry.Though they fight to protect our family against those cruel heartless people they are willing to give up their lives for the ones they love and to help make a difference even when it is really not fair.

  18. I agree with you. We shouldn’t have allowed Howard to get us into all this madness. Somehow, he got what he deserved from the voters.

Down with the Wars for Empire!

This war in Iraq isn’t the end, it’s the beginning of wars to come. All around the world at the whim of the neo-cons in the White House. This is the Bush Doctrine come to life: War, war, and more war. War brought to you by the big corporate masters who run the show. This isn’t just a war against Iraqis or Afghanis or even Arabs or Muslims. It is ultimately a war on us all. That’s because the billions and billions of dollars that are being spent on this war—the cost of tanks, rocketry, bullets, and yes, even salaries for the 125000 plus troops—is money that will never be spent on education, on health care, on the reconstruction of crumbling public housing, or to train and place the millions of workers who have lost manufacturing jobs in the past three years alone. The war in Iraq is, in reality, a war against the nation’s workers and the poor who are getting less and less while the big defense industries are making a killing—literally. What’s next? Iran? Syria? North Korea? Venezuela? We’ve already seen the corporate media play megaphone to the White House to build and promote a war based on lies. War is utilized by the imperialists, first and foremost, to crush internal enemies. We’re seeing the truth of his insight when we see the sad state of American education, the rush of seniors to buy affordable medication from the Canadians because American drugs are just too expensive, the threatened privatization of Social Security, and the wave of repression that comes with an