The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

4 Responses

  1. also, our agriculture is heavily dependent on by-products from the refinement of oil. In a way, this ethanol production is still dependent on oil production.

  2. The Yucca facility would house waste for the next few centuries and the design is practically leak-proof. However, if it did make it out somehow, it would take thousands of years to leak to the surface and by then it wouldn’t be anymore radioactive than a rock. This isn’t green goo waiting to mutate you, put aside your fear-mongering and superstitions and actually look at the facts of the issue.

  3. retarded…what are you gunna do with all the waste? store it in a mountain? then what? another mountain…untill all our mountains are filled huzzah! well all have 4 legs

  4. my father says the same thing. i mean oil will end and what will we use next? corn is being used as a substitute product making the corn prices increase. corn is used to feed chicken, making chicken products prices increase as well. we use corn in our everyday life, so we must use another substitute or go with nuclear energy (which is probably the best deal)

McCain Talk Alternative Energy Sources in Des Moines

Sen. John McCain talked about alternative energy sources such as nuclear power in Des Moines, Iowa on 4.27.07