The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. @HybridWaterMan2 Thank you! I have taken it to a boil. I haven’t tried the treated water due to electrolyte contamination. I was more interested in heating untreated water.

  2. Very well done! I have only exposed the torch to the surface of water when I was playing around – it certainly heated it, but did not boil it like a hot propane torch would. However- I love the way you set this up- the amazing thing is that the flame continued immersed in water! Nice job for sure….Have you taken it to a boil? and have you tried using the treated water in the electrolyzer?…

  3. I like the theory of 0 heat loss while heating water. I wonder if the flame is able to burn at it’s highest temp because the flame looks rather short. Would moving water snuff out the flame? Would this be cheaper than electric or natural gas to heat with?

  4. what you guys need to do is make is rotating torch ie just like lawn sprinkler
    then make doube wall tank that would fit the rotating torch in the center. allow for a air gap between torch and oil fill ed heat exchanger tank make the oil exchange a seal closed loop sys let the heat build and use a fan over the
    rad from the heat exchanger… bamm hho
    powered system..

  5. Hi,
    how many electrical Watts are you putting into your
    electrolyser ?
    Does it heat the water faster than using the same
    Watts to heat the same amout of water with just an electrical heater ?
    That is the big question to find out.
    Maybe you need to find better materials to put the flame on like graphite in water to get more heat from the HHO flame…
    Please experiment more with it to find the best
    heat transfer to water. We need very efficient heatings.
    Many thanks.
    Regards, Stefan.

  6. Hi, Steve,
    Big respect to you for all your hard work!
    I think water heating direct in to water is not efficient as, when h2+02 gases, in hot stage (burning), impacts hard object (metal and so on) it splits in to H+H, which has temperature 2700-5000 Celsius. I tested that HHO burning underwater in low temperatures.

  7. This is Fantastic friend..[Internet] What’s the alternative for our infomation ABC,BBC,CNN,FOX,123 ?.Ps The media treats us like mushrooms,they keep us in the dark and feed us shit !!.The internet is the infomation highway for now….A quick search on the New World Order will show how deep this rabbit hole goes…..

  8. You may like this suggestion.

    1. Inject compressed air in with with your HHO. Using a air pump (tetra luft pump 5psi aquarium pump) your heat will increase A LOT.
    (these torches are NOT completely burning the HHO.)

    2. Put your water heater side by side with a 500 watt titanium aquarium heater. In two separate 10 gallon aquariums compare the heat temp rise. 480 watts + 2_? watt air pump VS pure 500 watt Electric heat.

    If you need help getting the heater or air pump let me know

  9. Nasa , been there done that… I’m thinkin maybe kick this HHO/ICE thing in the butt might be next on the hit parade, Roy Mcalister has the Hydrogen injectors but hasn’t gone into production for some weird reason. One would think that would be a high priority for anyone in the field. I mean he has the holy grain , all patented and ready to go.. crazy man.

    I’ll get to that cold fusion sooner or later ! lol

  10. Lets see…
    I want to run a miniature jet engine on HHO… That may be asking too much…

  11. Confirmed Peer reviewed Reproduceable Results !

    Whats next ? I heard some good things about cold fusion ! lol

  12. Ain’t it, though!
    I approved the video response…thanks for posting it!
    I wish it was a little longer, though…maybe show the water temp going up…i’m sure you have a lot more in store, too.
    Keep it up!

  13. That is so wierd to see “FIRE in the WATER” or “FIRE WATER” as the Indians used to say !!!

    Please feel free to coin the phrase as you wish. You’ve just developed a classic new College/High School Pyhsics class experiment that should be required in lab.

    Congratz !!!

  14. I have tested the bubbles coming up from this test with no ignition results. I think these are simply steam.

  15. Okay…I’ll set it up today and post my vid either tonight, or Monday (after kid’s b-day)
    By the way, I got a quart mason jar to boil using a similar technique(with 3 inch pipe length). The temp of the outer edge of water was 205 degrees steady. I have video, and may post it as well. I know the boiling point is 212F at 1atm, but I don’t know the pressure here in FL. It was tap water, too. The water was pretty violent with lots of steam. Boiling was localized around element, mainly.

  16. do the same test (same volume gas output, same water etc.) The diff. instead of an open ended cup put a cap on it with vent holes. the point is to get the flame to contact the copper while the other side of the copper is in contact with water. I am interested if the water temp takes less time to get up to temp.

  17. I had a cool little 15psi guage, I blew it to bits at ssc’s house running the little genny. :) I used your test to get some energy calcs done. I plan on doing a video with that data and some more numbers I worked out. Could I request a test of you? It will help with filling in some data questions.

  18. Nice video..I did some similar test myself a while back , and was real impressed with it …One thing that I discovered while doing this is that the bubbles that were coming up from the flame was in fact HHO .I was popping them with the lighter ..My test were done with 9 LPM..I still have more testing to do myself in this area in the future ….Keep up the good work ..

  19. Yeah, D3 mentioned the expansion as well. You are both right. The level dropped to the 1/2 way mark between where it was when the test started and where it ended after the liquid cooled down.
    I did another test with a longer shroud, and got 205 degrees…it was a rolling boil in my opinion. I will post the results.

Heating Water With HHO Hydroxy Hydrogen Part 2 of 2 from HHOG Labs

Part 2 of 2 Here is a brief experiment on how I was able to heat water directly with HHO! I was able to build a simple shield to allow the HHO to burn continuously under water. Steve