The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

STIRLING ENGINE SOLAR POWER FRESNEL LENS This is a new design I found, they work with a Fresnel Lens or a Parabolic Mirror. Strong and efficient for its size. A proper Fresnel Lens. Also a Dual Rotor Axial Flux Generator. Most people try a plastic reflector from the back, this is a poor option. Also if you use a standard “Dynamo” for power, you will be lucky to get 3-10 watts. Stirling engines are hindered by “COGGING” Axial Flux limits cogging. Still the overall cost and time to get a max of 40 watts. Solar Panels are by far the best option. But these are fun for sure. We have been trying different videos and had a run of experiments not going right. Also Florida is very cloudy from June – July, this video took 4 hours to shoot waiting for the clouds.