Unspillable Alternative Energy Website


“The Bush administration has put American taxpayers TRILLIONS of dollars in debt because of an insipid ‘war’ that was illegally initiated to satisfy George Bush’s vendetta against Hussein and satisfy Cheney’s lust for OIL profits.”

This is a qoute from an answere to a question I placed earlier. If the Bush Admin and the Cheney Group are so sophisticated in thier conspirotory plots, then why do we (the US) have such an obvious debt, all the while the plot to take oil profits was some how missed in all the sophisticated planning for the conspiracy, in the effort to fool the American people? How can we have so much debt, if we are getting so much oil? How could this increased surplus in oil result in a shortage worldwide with such an increase and effect on gasoline prices? Lower prices would produce less scrutiny, thus allowing the conspiratory plot go on without question relative to oil prices and the profits of the conspiritors to be much more.