The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

3 Responses

  1. Yes they will run the bill way up. the 3 heaters are way to many. try using just one close off part of apartment if you have too. Just use heaters a night when you sleep; wear a sweater or coat when you are up and about the house.

  2. They sure can. You didn’t say if this is a 1 person house or apartment. I’m in a small house with an electric forced air furnace in a relatively mild climate, in a place with electric rates lower than much of the rest of North America. I live alone and am conservative with the power. My electricity bill for the winter months, like from now till the end of February, will be about $120 a month. In summer, it’s more like $25. It isn’t only the house heating in winter that jacks up your bill. It’s darker longer so you have more lights on, the water heater may work a bit harder, you may take longer showers or baths, you may cook more, stay inside and watch TV more, and I use an electric blanket in winter.

Could space heaters REALLY affect the electricity bill THIS MUCH?

The most I had ever paid for an electric bill prior to this was 70 for a 3-month period (2-person apartment connected to central heating). Last month I moved to a 1-person place that is NOT connected to central heating (instead uses 3 electric space heaters). I don’t have many appliances and I try to conserve electricity whenever I can, but this month my bill was 135 for the same 3-month period!!!

I realize that space heaters are inefficient for energy use, but can they really affect my energy bill in such a drastic way???