The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

Q&A: Geothermal power?

Question by Philip Augustus: Geothermal power?
why don’t we utilize more Geothermal power?
I know most of that is available on the west coast.
But isn’t it cheaper and more constant than solar or wind?
solar you have to have expensive equipment.

where Geothermal is available, you dig a deep hole. dump in water. and have a release hole. that the steam spins a turbine.
I also read that there is enough Geothermal power on the west coast to provide 2000 times the power currently consumed by the whole US.

So why arn’t people talking and using it more?

Best answer:

Answer by jim m
There is no shortage of energy its everywhere you look. The problem is designing systems that can work well which is engineering. Good engineering could fix all the problems of costs and environmental bars that determine what is used and what is deemed unavailable.

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