The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

TOP KILL FAILS! To Stop Oil Spill In Gulf Of Mexico

Find a RANDOM post.
(may be outdated!)

50 Responses

  1. Maybe this will be a good thing for our future. If we run out of oil, we’ll have to use other methods of energy. (there are many many other ways, but arent used at present because the amount of profit made from oil)

  2. @satheeshactsinfo Planetresource(dot)net has a Eco friendly solution to clean up the tragedy British Petroleum has created
    One person can still make a difference in this world, is that simple interactions have a rippling effect. Each time this gets pass along, the hope in cleaning our planet is passed on .watch the youtube video title “COMPLETE CLEAN UP OF THE GULF SPILL” by? PRR7075

  3. I wanted to talk about the old dome built to BP … could not work, it is bad idea built into a single component…, the cover should be attached to module to a second time.. I made a project to new containment dome, but BP told me that my project in no feasible!! ??!! Plese lock my project dome, Judge for yourself….

  4. It is not a spill, that’s for sure. It is a BLOWOUT. Let’s call it what is is. It is past crying over spills, this is a blowout.

  5. Why don’t they seal it off , go in to the area before the break and inject a resin that will fill and harden in place, I’m sure they have something that will setup under water. I hope at this point they are not trying to save the well, and just doing what they can to seal it off. GET THE DAM THING SEALED OFF, we know its possible. Horrible just horrible, get in gear guys and just do it.

  6. @bzzkirk It does seem that they are either incapable of stopping it or don’t want to stop it. It seems to me that they want to save the well, so they can pump more oil out of it in the future instead of killing the well and stopping the surge of oil forever. Maybe some good can come from this, and humans will realize they have to find another source of energy instead of using oil dug/pumped out of the ground.

  7. Planetresource net has a Eco friendly solution to clean up the tragedy British Petroleum has created,
    please watch the youtube video title “COMPLETE CLEAN UP OF THE GULF SPILL” by PRR7075
    and pass this along to as many people as you know.

    One person can still make a difference in this world, is that simple interactions have a rippling effect. Each time this gets pass along, the hope in cleaning our planet is passed on.

  8. The sleeping giant will soon open it’s eye!…
    Leaving in it’s wake,the four horsemen!….

  9. this should you that we have not been to the moon we have crashed things there but actually land a man nope we can’t ven go 5000 feet in the ocean and also find a man called bin ladden on earth

  10. I usually go to the Gulf Coast over the summer. Luckily for me I don’t have any plans of going there this year. It’s still extremely terrible though. Many lives will be lost and beautiful scenes will be destroyed.

  11. I shiver in ecstasy over the ecological slaughter of these miserable creatures being sacrificed to the oil god

  12. Man Graham….the first thought that came to my mind when I saw you in that orange shirt was you escaped from prison. LoL. Yikes.

  13. Similar shit happens with mountaintop removal coal operations. They blast off the mountainside, mine the coal and leave ponds of slurry around to eventually wash down the mountain and contaminate the water table and waterways. Happened big time in Tennessee in 2008 only that was near a coal fired power plant. I’m not against using any of these resources wisely but they have to stop cutting corners. They make enough profits the greedy shits.

  14. Orsini – Farnese – Aldobrandini – Jesuit Order – YehWeh – Gad – oops i Wasn’t supposed to say that,sorry,go back to Mel GIbson and Britney Lohan.

  15. i never understood the point of faggy understatement like “oh my, there seems to be a bit of oil’ etc–WE ARE ALL DEAD. WAKE UP.

  16. @GuildF40 , I think the pipe is 20″ and 2″ thick of hardened steel rated for 15,000 psi. Some estimate the pressure at between 40,000 and as high as 90,000psi. No wonder it blew out all the stops. If this is all true, It will implode with a huge boom.

  17. Mike, I cant say you don’t understand but this is so personal against Americans. You tend to be very empathetic in nature. In this case, You may want to try indifference. It ‘sis a true death zone for the Eco systems. The media blackouts are just scaring people and now tropical storms are in the mix. Prey for us brother! I don’t think God listened to Obama. I wonder why!
    Thank you.

  18. Try 95,000 barrels per day (4 million gallons). Probably even more seeing as how they’ve been lying about it.
    w w w. m c c l a t c h y d c. c o m/2010/05/19/94467/engineer-oil-spill-videos-show.html

    I also heard somewhere else that it could be 120,000 barrels per day.

  19. @FeverIAm Wow, it’s worse than I heard. I know EU really has a shit load to pay and we don’t even drive SUVs.

    Well you know what. We proably all gonna die because of our dependance on oil and you know what we deserve it.

  20. @NicoleJ85VA look into who the largest “speculators” of oil in the US are… J & P & Morgan are in the name. It’s all really just a game; one we are destined to play the losers in. Expect the price to rise now that the “real” rate of leak has been released; 40,000 barrels a day? double that…

    Time for the US people to “pay” for their dependance on oil; look at what they pay in Europe. Time for a “new initiative” in “more fuel efficient” cars and trucks. You will pay; one way or another.

  21. Does BP have the money to clean it up or does obama boycot it. The US will have a megaclaim on BP and BP will not have the money for it. They will sell the oilwells for 1 dollar to the US. Thats the reason Obama isn’t doinig anything. This is more easy than making war.

  22. yeah and most of you motherfuckers are the same people thats been supporting this fucking bull shit government this whole time.. You wanna come fuckin crying now huh?? Wish you would of listen to us about 9-11… You fucking cunts. Fuck the government. This is the begining of a long end.. Millions and maybe billions of people will die from this

  23. Opening: Someone who knows some inside info told me that the actual opening at one point is 1/4 inch because the BOP almost closed. That opening has all the oil / gas moving through under tremendous pressure.

  24. I say we throw a lit match on the surface of the ocean and let it burn. a lot of underwater life would die but the beauty is that ocean would heal itself eventually rather than just let the oil sit in our ocean. we burn our prairies all the time so that they can become healthier. what if this is the same for the ocean? There are downsides to every plan but I say if all else fails burn it. By that time the rest of the world already will be. We can let Obama light the match.

  25. @GuildF40 LOL – I am sure he has mine? He can call me any time at all… I’ll be sure to tell him my thoughts then hang up!

    LOL he’s got James Cameron thinking up “solutions”.. ah never mind; Cameron’s a Canadian… Canada will rule the world soon ROFLMAO ;-)

  26. What they are showing you is not the leak that is causing the problem the video’s are for the public looky loose. The real gusher is coming out from a huge split in the sea floor that they are battling if they nuke it it could cause more problems think people we put people on the moon and they cant cap a leak 21 inches. Thats BS There is a huge leak some were we arnt seeing or to no about.

  27. @doc7474

    I’ll throw the ball a little slower, my point was that those of us at the bottom are going to be taken out long before those at the top.

  28. @UU361 Numberous news articles say top kill has failed according to BP and they’re moving on to the next option. I guess all those articles are wrong.

  29. My friend, that picture of escaping oil isn’t accurate. Lemme ask you this, does that picture look like “a volcano of oil” to you, or does it look like footage from some other spill, eh? Comnment?

It has failed again! But you can see the live streaming of the oil spill here
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Don’t Panic! Oil Spill – “Top Kill” FAIL! Recorded May 30, 2010 – 11:00 EDT update on estimate – found this on NPR this afternoon… Gulf Spill May Far Exceed Official Estimates: 56-80000 barrels a day! Overlay of the spill on Toronto area – eeek! Live feed: May 7th view: REAL footage of the spread of it: Real rate? 18000 Barrels a day? How about 25000? I wager even more… Gulf oil spill is worst in US history, estimates suggest: And of course; the biggest Oil Spill was from another oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico – Ixtoc I in 1979 And it took them 290 days to cap that one… but it wasn’t as bad as initially thought; 2 years for the ocean to recover? 25000 barrels a day for 290 days, that’s 304 Million US Gallons, 1.1 billion litres, 986000 metric tons. (“Official” conversion rates = Microbe Video: Gulf Oil Spill-Gutsy Solution Restores Environment in Just Six Weeks: Peace and Love
Video Rating: 4 / 5