The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. I invented a breakthrough source of energy, which contradicts the law of conservation of energy. I have a PROOF that there are electrodynamic phenomena which contradict the law of energy conservation. It will cost about $1200 to make a 6 kW generator in mass production. Value of the energy produced yearly about $5400. I am looking for $300 000 for a prototype and for $3M for patents.
    H. Tomasz Grzybowski
    tel. +48-512-933-540

  2. Shot guy,s harsh word,s at a young inventor ,he,s on the right track with his attitude, thinking green is the point not the thing but the thing worked so burp at you burrrp.

  3. He is credited for reinventing the water wheel, BS
    check out my channel i have built a stirling engine from tin cans and an aluminium air battery from aluminium foil and pencil leads and i’m working on other things and the only thing anyone has ever told me was “Waw”.

  4. I am his age and my hydro electric is much better than his (he doesn’t even have a gearbox inclued in his project!!!)

  5. in the first 5secs this movie flashed my brains 3 times. well i say AMERICAN TYPE FLASHING PIECE OF SHIT

  6. @gears2777

    what a juvenile come back. All those days spent trying to pick up on kids is actually rubbing off on you.

  7. @remusomega lol, thats twice now that you’ve mentioned child pornography… it’s starting to look like you may really be angry that the kid wasnt naked… You know, sometimes the truth is staring you in the face. Though you may not have excepted your true nature, it is clear to the rest of us what you’re really getting at.

  8. I don’t give a shit about this dumbass kid. My comments are targeted at the people who broadcasted this worthless piece of shit.

    Why don’t you go watch kiddie porn instead of expressing your lame ass opinions of which nobody really cares to hear.

    The final verdict is: This kid’s “Invention is bullshit & These broadcaster need some seriously better material”

    – Over –

  9. @remusomega Stop trollin… you’re actin like every 10 year old does this sort of thing. The kid did a good job and others like him should be incouraged to practice this sort f behavior.

  10. @gears2777

    I’m making a public mockery of the fact that this stupid TV show would actually broadcast something so stupid just because it came out of the ass of a ten year old. This is in no way TV material, & no I am not a watchdog on capitalism/pigs that monopolize products, you pseudo-intellectual moron. Perhaps you should look up the definition of ‘patronize’ before trying insult someone else’s intelligence you creepy ass pedophile.

  11. @remusomega STFU… There is an infinite amount of ways to replace capitalistic methods of producing power. No, he didnt invent this method, but it demonstrates the fact that it does not require being indebted to the local power company to have electricity. You seem to be making a public mockery of his independent way of thinking. What are you, a watchdog for capitalism and the pigs that monopolize products?

  12. I’ve noticed several unkind comments about this kid’s gadget, yet, I’ve not noticed any video responses posted demonstrating how it could’ve been done better. Can the naysaysers chill out a bit, and acknowledge that this guy did something with potential. Perfect? Clearly not. Check the budget, though. I think I heard the narrator mention all discarded parts….

  13. Yeah,thats what my 22yr old nephew said(I Have Plenty Of Time) until a Drunk Driver ran Him Over As He was Crossing The Street From One Freinds House To The Other.And oh yes,Enviromentalist is one reason why we are in the Economic shape we are in now,just look at all of the Steel Plants that Have Been Closed and the fact we do not use the Oil we have in this country,Yeah,HIP-HIP YOORAH For The Damned Enviromentalist,ASHOLES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  14. Give this kid a brake he’s only young he’ll get there in the end. And maybe show his some support. Go on kid keep going.

  15. ya… wow and look at 3:08 look at all the water he is wasting at going out the top of the coffee can if he made if tightly sealed it would have more pressure and create more electricity and then he could have his so called “invention” face perpendicularly to the house… it seems really flimsy though, you could make that in 5 minutes at least try to make it use all the water to power the waterwheel by using better fins or whatever they are called

Amazing Hydro-Electric Power Collector

High School student, Kettner Griswold, has devised a way to achieve renewable energy through hydropower.