The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. Free Energy is real and its here but the coverup is strong, if u are interested in a REAL free energy machine then

    just go to LT-MAGNET-MOTORdotCOM and download the blueprints ,it is probably the ONLY working magnet

    motor out there. Join the free energy revolution!!

  2. The government can find you guilty if they want and you run out of money for attorneys

  3. @pidos847 google “stan meyer fraud”. His revolutionary fuel cell was in fact a simple electrolysis cell – nothing of his has been proven to be original or capable of producing free energy. He claimed there was more energy to be made from burning oxygen and hydrogen than the energy required for the electrolysis process to produce them? Go and look in any physics book on the subject. He died of a brain aneurysm. If you can supply facts to the contrary do it, otherwise you’re sprouting hot air.

  4. @pidos847 – he was found guilty of fraud based on evidence – how on earth is that done by the Government? He defrauded people of money – don’t you understand even that? He “claimed” to have driven that distance. There is no evidence in support of his claim. Why don’t you get off your rear and try to duplicate what he did and discover for yourself there is no such thing as free energy from water.

  5. @LiamXaoh That maybe so, but that was all done by the government to discredit his machine and destroy his attempt to free the world from fossil fuels. He drove from LA to NY on 22 gallons of tap water! That’s why he was killed!

  6. @pidos847 – do some research – the “great man” was convicted of fraud over this device. But don’t let facts get in the way of a lousy argument. LOL

  7. @freetubester – this video is about free energy. Free energy is not being stifled by banks, the government or the oil companies, it is being held back by something a lot less sinister but unfortunately apparently a lot harder to grasp than a bunch of conspiracy theories. All the scientific observations so far have confirmed that free energy devices are impossible, but few folks who believe otherwise will ever grasp that concept. As for your ranting about banks…take your medication

  8. @LiamXaoh The Federal Reserve Bank is the secret gov. Carbon tax will be tax on air. Look at the water monopoly in Bolivia. Look at the Bank failure in Argentina, Greece and Iceland. Look at THE MONEY MASTERS on You Tube( a history of the charter banks world domination & world government.) If you are working towards a one world government, congrats. It’s almost here. If we don’t audit the Fed the U.S. is history.

  9. I am pissed off at what happened to this great man. But the only vengeance that can be had is to post this information out to people so we can build it ourselves. and be free of this corrupt goverment and evil oil companies. STOP PLAYING THEIR STUPID GAME ! don’t patent this stuff. It’s their way of knowing who and what is invented. so if you think your going to get rich of this stuff your wrong you are going to get killed. so FREEDOM is give it out for free and we will all be free!

  10. At 2:54 the lights in the shop flicker, the only time they would ever do that is when a heavy load is put on it such as turning on a vacuum. So if Meyers invention was able to operate at low amps then why did the lights flicker when he plugged the machine in?

  11. It’s funny how it’s always the same people making the same comments over and over, the only person who could really comment on this invention is the man who invented it – only he’s not talking anymore. Anyway, the powers that be have won once again – just like they always will. We will continue to burn mountains of coal every day to generate electricity while killing the planet. Maybe it’s what we deserve. We’re all just a bunch of hairless apes – completely pig ignorant…

  12. @slushomatic, really? Google ‘Stan Meyer patents’ and they are all over the internet. Have you tried to see them? If you would bother you could see them, too. If you are too lazy to search, you could always buy them off scammers on the internet. If you really believe that Meyer was poisoned, petition a judge in Fayette County, Ohio to exhume his body and have it tested for poison. I have posted the phone number multiple times but no one will do it. The torch has been passed to you.

  13. @KKinsane2009, yes, and there are people that turn into werewolves when the moon is full… just like water being supermagically breaking the laws of physics.

  14. @mahammadabba his patents are not in the public domain because of his death by poisioning. the police have put it in with cold case files as they do not know wo poisioned him. So the proof of burden is on you to show links of his so call public domain patents.

  15. @all yall, 1, stfu. 2 you have not heard of sololuminescence then, vibrations, at the atomic level, which is basically microwaves, cause a cavitation, etc, it is basically a star in a jar. no, I don’t have a PHD, nor do you, nor do any of us, so will yall PLEASE stfu with your bigoted opinions and just fucking do the experiments? thank you.

  16. @qinkin, whatever happened to you? Finally figure out you were confused about Meyer’s scam? Didn’t know the difference between electrolysis on the fly and a hydrogen fuel cell? Now you do? As for energy output, hydrogen has gasoline beat but the problem is that hydrogen is such a small molecule it’s hard to contain and it is very corrosive to almost all metals so it’s hard to store. Ever see the effects on a gas engine when such a corrosive, explosive gas in run for a long time?

  17. @qinkin, I would never ‘shit my pants’ over some tool troll like you.
    Quote: Throughout his patents and marketing material, Meyer uses the terms “fuel cell” or “water fuel cell” to refer to the portion of his device in which electricity is passed through water to produce hydrogen and oxygen. Meyer’s use of the term in this sense is contrary to its usual meaning in science and engineering, in which such cells are conventionally called “electrolytic cells”.

  18. @qi are you so smart you are appointed by the president to force us away from that bad oil that makes gasoline, plastic, medicine, food and billions of other things that make life today possible?
    Oh, wow, hydrogen has been around since…. the 1800’s? Boy, that Stan Meyer was a genius to have put 2 electrodes in water, hooked it up to 12v and produced hydrogen? Why hasn’t he gotten the Nobel Prize? They give one of them to any asshole lately.
    Cars use a hydrogen tank, not making it on the fly.

  19. @mahammadabba
    I would tell who I am, but i don’t want you to shit your pants, player.. Don’t call me stupid w/a period-statement sentence.. I was only reacting to your shit-dishing slander.. I already well understand electroysis. Stan Meyer died 12 years ago.

    Obviously BMW’s hydrogen car, which has technology that the world isn’t ready for; was built upon the science/research and promotion of the hydrogen as fuel idea, of people like Stan Meyer.. which is ALL that I was ever saying…my bad

  20. @qinkin after 30 years meyer’s patents are in the public domain and no one has been able to duplicate his wild claims. I doubt you wikipedia’d ‘stan meyer’ did you? Did you read he was sued by his investors to get their money back and they won? Every other investor got NOTHING back from this scammer. Why don’t you go back to 5th grade and learn why this hydrolysis doesnt’ work as described?
    Yea, you are a total tool for people as stupid as you.

  21. @qinkin are you a high school dropout? Is that why you wrote you hate me? You fkn loser, calling me a troll for pointing out Meyer ripped people off with promises of riches. Go fk yourself. BMW may have a hydrogen powered car but it DOESN’T RUN OFF 2 ELECTRODES STUCK ON A BOTTLE LIKE MEYER’S SCAM. You should really get an education before trolling me you tar ball.

  22. @mahammadabba
    well how would anyone know, if they never investigate? getting a feeling for what mankind is capable of, is a liberating experience, that changes you forever!

    BMW has a car that runs on hydrogen..

  23. @qinkin, Meyer was a high-school dropout that became a scammer. wikipedia ‘stan meyer’ and then come back and we can talk. He ripped people off. His ‘patents’ still don’t work 30 years later. People should get a clue and a life.

  24. @DrKCostas, I will concur that people that can’t think or understand physics are the first to claim Meyer’s had some sort of perpetual motion machine.

Stan Meyer- Water As Fuel- Part One

Stan Meyer developed a water “splitter” that separated hydrogen from oxygen, and burned the hydrogen as fuel in an internal combustion engine. I wonder why this technology has never been presented as an alternative to fossil fuels?
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