The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

4 Responses

  1. If only Ted Kennedy were still alive! He has plugged so many interns that plugging this hole would be no problem!

  2. Sarah’s books SELL. It’s all the liberal bilge between hardcovers that you see marked down to $1 and fifty cents at the dollar store book racks.

  3. There wouldn’t be enough so the white house is looking at putting Obama’s ego on top of it. Its big enough to cover probably a square mile of ocean floor.

  4. I’m thinking that would violate some environmental law. Oil is one thing, but I doubt the oceans could recover from anything that toxic.

Since Top Kill has failed, will BP next try to plug the hole by pumping in unsold copies of Sarah Palin’s book?

Question by Edward: Since Top Kill has failed, will BP next try to plug the hole by pumping in unsold copies of Sarah Palin’s book?

Best answer:

Answer by Bob G…The return of
Are there that many? She’s still rolling in the money from the sales. Or did you miss that fact?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!