Representative Joe Sestak (7-PA) recorded a message of support and encouragement for the first Thorium Energy Alliance Conference held in Washington, DC, on October 19-20, 2009.
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Google Tech Talks February 19, 2009 ABSTRACT Slides for this talk are available at: Speaker: David LeBlanc David’s Ph.d in physics was completed at University of Ottawa (1998) on high temperature superconductors. During this period, he developed a great interest to pursue both fission and fusion reactor design basics, which separately cumulated in a long term fellowship from the Canadian Fusion Fuels Technology Project (later ITER Canada) for his work on the use of high Tc superconductors in the fusion field and also work for Atomic Energy of Canada Limited on worldwide reactor design comparisons. Since then he has been teaching at the Carleton University physics department and continued his investigations primarily in the field of Molten Salt Reactors, also known as Liquid Fluoride Reactors. David founded Ottawa Valley Research Associates Ltd to expand these efforts and has completed a license agreement with a European firm with a goal of development of a new generation of Molten Salt Reactors.
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