The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

3 Responses

  1. To look busy.

    With the immediate news generation getting information by the second, people have developed an unrealistic attitude about how long it takes to do something. They’ve all become Veruca Salt from Charlie and the chocolate factory, “I want it NOW”.

    In reality, everyone involved knows that it probably won’t be controlled until the relief wells are drilled. That takes too long for the immediate gratification crowd, so, they are going to need to keep showing that “They Are Doing Something”.

  2. just because it failed in shallow water does not necessarily mean it will fail in deep water, you need more information than just depth to conclude that.

  3. The only thing that has a fairly realistic chance of stopping the spill is to drill relief wells. That will take months. So, in the meantime, it won’t hurt to try other methods, as long as they don’t worsen the situation. It’s also worth remembering something very important. The extent of the spill will have a direct impact on damages against BP and their cost for clean-up. So, it’s in BP’s financial interest to do everything possible to stop the spill, even if it means trying something that failed previously.

If top hats and top kills didn’t work in 1979 why would BP think they would work in 2010?

Question by Trout: If top hats and top kills didn’t work in 1979 why would BP think they would work in 2010?
Will put a dome over it operation Sombrero — failed — so did all the other 1979 and repeated 2010 ideas

If it failed then in 500 feet of water why would the same solution be considered anything than a dog and pony show to waste time and look busy in 2010 and 5,0000 feet of water ?

Best answer:

Answer by Baron
BOP oil is not saying much about anything
or are they updating news media about exactly what they are doing
and Obama is not demanding transparency of any kind… one could possibly know about what you are talking about under such circumstances..baron

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