The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

30 Responses

  1. well here you go, your ‘hero’ lying to you and the rest of the world. millions of gallons of oil just disappear?
    if you knew anything about ron paul, you will realize he is fighting for YOUR liberty. the government makes enough money that we do not need income tax. close the fed, no more interest going to the rothschilds, no more wars.
    its funny you fell right into the trap of propaganda, spewing neo crap this, fox view that.
    obama, like bush, like clinton, ALL war profiteers.

  2. In the grand tradition of U.S. Presidents, it seems Obama is acquiring some gray hair. Oh well, that doesn’t excuse him lying to our faces like this. Oil cleaned up my ass >_<

  3. Ron Paul wants to be president without “government” and neo nazi Fox viewers aren’t mentally equipped to comprehend the ineherent contradiction of such a term or it’s full implications:

    no cops supplied by your home state.

    no roads.

    no traffic lights.

    no DMV.

    how cheap will it be for your average neighborhood to supply themselves with a private police force and licensing of motor vehicles management?

    feel the pea brains implode.

  4. This is just .. shock.. well stop the well great. Yet hearing them say 75% is cleaned up? I saw a video of a man flying on July 19th and there was tons of oil out there. How long did it take us to clean up other spills? Not cleaned up just underwater now.. Father help us.. Jesus is coming soon


  6. Git er dunn ima go have sex withmy cousin then ima go do sum more hillbilly hickery rednecking shit I backtraced it and Consenquenzez willz neverr v de samesz

  7. I predict drama in the future. There is tons of oil underwater…. disperesed don’t mean contained. It’s small enough that fish and sealife eat it, die. They are the cleaning crew, and sealife will pay with it’s life. Fucking sick ass rich faggots, they all deserve a fucking bullet to the head. Seriously…. you KILL sealife… we KILL you. Time to get the Bp CEO and bust him a good one.

  8. Happy Birthday Mr. I mean President!.. hope your dark lord father get’s you something nice for the Apocalypse…

  9. It’s kept off the beaches by dispersants (largely Corexit) to keep it out of sight and mind.
    Unfortunately the oil is still present in the gulf is massive quantity, wreaking havoc on a massive underwater ecosystem in a location where BP will not have to pay a dime to restore. I guess the EPA are the ones who are supposed to regulate this sort of thing but I can’t believe BP were allowed to disperse all the oil deeper instead of keeping it on the surface where it could be collected and removed.

  10. @trucking42witness
    I know about it. Check out believersunderground. Look at his information on Post Glacial Rebound.

  11. @trucking42witness Thank you for showing us all that even in Denmark, you have your right-wing freaks. Dude lives in a country with socialized medicine and WAY better social conditions than the US and has the fucking GALL in his current marquee video to post Tea-Bagger images of Obamacare = Socialism and other shit? Fuck his Danish ass and fuck his complete lack of scientific understanding. We’re well enough screwed as it is without this guys’s unfounded claims adding yet more fear.

  12. Everyone go to Hemming Kemners you tube channel and put in:
    Gulf Oil Spill – Loop Current Dead – Iceage

    This info needs to go viral!!!!!!!

Obama: Static Kill ‘very Welcome News’

President Barack Obama says battle to stop the Gulf leak and contain the oil ‘is finally coming to an end.’ (Aug. 4)
Video Rating: 2 / 5

Sealing the BP Oil Well; Interview With Massachusetts Congressman Edward Markey, CNN, July 19, 2010 at 22:15 EDT: ANDERSON COOPER: Don Van Nieuwenhuise, director of petroleum geoscience programs at the University of Houston… explain what — if you can, what the static kill means… VAN NIEUWENHUISE: The biggest issue that concerns me is that, earlier today, we were told that those flow lines wouldn’t handle 6800 PSI. And now we have been told that they will actually handle that much pressure. CHAD MYERS: Mm-hmm.
Video Rating: 5 / 5