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6 Responses

  1. So are democrats sheep or are they “losing patience” with Obama?

    Make up your mind you hack.

  2. one idiot doesn’t represent the views of every liberal

    this is not limbaugh-conservative relationship

  3. Some liberals are losing patience with Obama because he, like previous presidents, is in bed with corporate America (and other sources of big money). The world is a bit more complicated than you assume. You should get out more often.

  4. What’s left of the traditional media has always been one sided.

    So, for them to attack a republican is not news. But when they openly attack the blessed Obama, It’s big time news.

    The guy talks nice, but is a total failure!

    We need real change now and really bad!

Obama’s running out of known liberals in his pocket?

Question by Spin Eater: Obama’s running out of known liberals in his pocket?
“James Carville bashing Obama”

“James Carville: Barack Obama “Hides Under The New York Times Editorialists’ Skirt”

Ok…..let’s see….healthcare—–nope
Obama bashed AZ law——nope
Obama allows Calderon to bash Americans —–nope

Now even lib commentators are losing patience with Obama.

Who’s next?

Best answer:

Answer by Capt. T. Sankara of Burkina Faso
yeah, James Carville is one commentator.

Besides, Democrats don’t seem to need commentators to legitimize themselves–voters seem to do that for them.

Add your own answer in the comments!