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73 Responses

  1. Thanks for sharing these pics. I just finished reading Wolves Eat Dogs (Martin Cruz Smith) and the pictures really bring out the settings he used for the book. Safe travels!

  2. Stuck in Customs… i love your blog and photos and have no doubt about your experience but come on post a real photo and not cgi….

  3. No offence.. your other photos are ace and I was transfixed but please don’t take the mickey.

  4. @thebogmonster: You’ll find its HDR as in High Dynamic Range, Multiple photos taken in sequence at different exposures then overlayed.

    This isn’t a CGI image.

  5. Your photo’s are awsome but what bothers me is that people think Chernobyl is a place to have fun. Certainly it’s not all serious but I don’t think you should go there just for fun

  6. Wow !!! I’d read a lot of articles concerning Chernobyl, and I think by far, this is one of the best! You explained with lots of details with a nice mix of a reporter and a tourist without being a political critic or a furious activist. I love the pictures because it represent the feeling of being there with great compositional perspective. Chernobyl looks like a gost town frost on the 80’s. I was on my Sophomore year when the tragedy happened and I could rememmber what a wordeful and terrible season on my life: Chernobyl, Challenger disaster, my first car, plans and dreams for the future and the list will go on…
    Keep going!
    Antonio Luis
    Puerto Rico

  7. OMG! you were pretty near to the sarcophagus!
    I’d love to be there, great pics and great story.

  8. The Hand Reminds me of Logen,s run. like how the Warehouse in the Background has a Cold Wintery feeling.

  9. Great trip, great image!
    I’ve seen a TV docu about that private trips, some months ago. Must have been very spooky out there.

  10. Great shot. Your image seems to have captured as somehow unreal cold somewhat alien feel to it. I can almost feel the rads pouring though the Flickr website to my monitor. Hold on a sec while I put on my polarized shades for protection. ;-) Very befitting cold image of possibly one of the most hazardous places on the Earth you can photograph. I trust you wore sunblock SPF 10,000 while there?

    Thanks for posting this. I think it’s important that generations don’t forget what happened here. Especially now that nuclear plants are being pushed up as an alternative to greenhouse gas emitting power plants. Not sure I’d want one of these in my back yard.


  11. Saludos desde Guatemala!!, hasta hace un año que supe exactamente todo sobre esta tragedia. Pues de lo contrario solo se escucha de chernobyl como un accidente, nada más!!!… me deja sin palabras y con tristeza.

Nuclear Winter in Chernobyl

Check out these Clean Energy Nuclear images:

Nuclear Winter in Chernobyl
Clean Energy Nuclear
Image by Stuck in Customs

Laser Target Chamber is Installed
Clean Energy Nuclear
Image by kqedquest