The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

7 Responses

  1. @mechanicsnut
    yes it’s a mike brown 3hp, my dad built the boiler, 200psi max, we only got to 150 because wood was buried in snow ;)

  2. That is one amazing steam plant there!! Did your dad build the boiler I wonder? And is that engine you are using a Mike Brown 3 horse model? Just wondering, what is the boiler rated for, Awsome video, wish I could have been there!

  3. @filipkof also these are going to people in canada where they don’t have electrisity from the grid, the don’t even have fuel for gas generators!

  4. @filipkof lol we never got to full pressure, are wood was buried in snow! we only got to 150psi, this thing is meant for 200psi, basicly the higher the pressure the more effiecent!

  5. Cool! A bit inefficient but still amazing! What about some MOT arcing off that :P ?

steam powered generator 2 kVa

My dad built this, a 8kVa is coming soon!

Harry shows off the WHE at the Steam Automobile Club of America meet 2010. Cyclone Power Technologies Waste Heat Engine (WHE, pronounced “we”) recaptures heat from external sources to create steam which powers the engine. The WHE models are designed to run a grid-tied or primary electric power generator while producing ZERO Emissions. The WHE is designed to run on heat as low as 500ºF from many different external sources of “wasted” heat such as: * Commercial or small-scale industrial ovens or furnaces * Landfill and industrial gas flares * Engine exhaust — from vehicles or power generators * Biomass combustion — dry, vegetative waste materials