The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. The 1930’s are when the federal reserve took hold and so on and so forth. The dirty thirties? …I most definitely think so.

  2. @ltsAboutJesus Marijuana will bring you closer to God, true story. You’ll have to leave Jesus behind though, no room for 2 on God’s throne, just so ya know… :) Peace and love, Fuck face!

  3. Actually, the coca leaf has MANY benefits. chewing on a coca leaf is like a good VERY strong cup of coffee without the downsides of stunting your growth and reducing the iron in your blood. The stimulation isnt like a caffine buzz though. it feels more like a genuine energy boost rather then the caffine forced boost. and good 4 U

    The thing is people make coke from it. (The govrnmt give coke analogues to kids with ADD anyways) from the same flower the bee makes honey and the snake makes poison.

  4. I believe it will remain illegal because this business wouldn’t be used as a worldwide business because anyone can grow HEMP.

  5. LEGALIZE! And I am not just saying that because I enjoy the natural herb myself… But because in this economy in the US… Cannabis can create so much for this country naturally Jobs, Paper, Cloths, Fuel, EVERYTHING! – Except feeding the hungry. But neither does Cigarettes and Alcohol – They are legal and cause more deaths in the US than just about anything. Especially the 0 deaths from use of Marijuana! WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR? LEGALIZE!!!!

  6. Yes, America4Hemp, you’ve got it right. One plant for all these: food, fuel, medicine, fiber, industrial products. Food for animals & people. Fuel from seeds (oil) and stalks (solid). Medicine (pain & inflammation decreased, cancer & diabetes cured, nausea decreased, appetitie increased, anxiety decreased, awareness increased, depression cured, ADD decreased, glaucoma halted & improved, sexual dysfunction decreased + more!). Fiber (fabrics, rope, paper). Industrial products (plastic&cellophane).

  7. well, eenkmouse, I had to snuff your spliff, but if you roll & smoke hemp-grade cannabis, you’ll be waiting a looooong time for the buzz. Usually hemp-grade cannabis has no thc. Hemp-grade is cultivated for stalks & blast fibers (the pithy interior of the stalks). But, spliff-grade herb-cannabis is grown from seeds of a diff variety for the “flowers” or flower buds that do contain thc – that many of us could use to aleviate pain, decrease inflammation (arthritis, lupus, etc) & cure cancer. Irie!

  8. research/advocate industrial hemp alongside medicinal cannabis for health liberty and economy! and ecology! research the commodities we are not taking advantage of economically

  9. don’t start about cocaine ,, hemp is benefitial the coca leaf has allmost no benefits.. and the drug is fcked up … i’ve seen many people turn in to junky’s

  10. I give every green plant for food.” and it was so. God saw all that he had made,and it was VERY good! genesis 31

  11. You can end hunger with the plant that produces the most food cannibis hemp ! its also the most nutricous food ! grows anywhere with little water ! get behind hemp learn the facts about the #1 paper #1 food #1 fuel #1 medicine #1 fiber ! end world hunger ! reverese the green house effect ! that is why we need to make it legal , for every reason ! america4hemp

  12. in many parts of the world hemp production was funded by the goverments, after the global elite put their money in oil the laws changed and the same goverments started prisoning the people they were funding,Resist nwo ( non compliance )

  13. awesome

    but the solution is simpler than wait for hemp to be legal:


    can’t any simpler than that
    and until people actually refuse to buy oil by-products and gas, this problem is never gonna be solved.

  14. So true and such an awesome and cute film. To really get our point across though we need a role model not equated with hippies or pot heads explaining this stuff to the close-minded. But GREAT job despite, rated 5.

  15. Hemp has strong roots that break up soil, when rotated with other crops, it provides a natural “tilling” and leaves the ground near perfect for planting corn etc. Saving much energy for that reason alone.

  16. all that braincell stuff was disproven many times. not only that they found it promotes cell growth and kills cancerous cells. and most of these studies are conducted by people who dont care either way if marijuana is legal or illegal.

  17. I agree that the water usage is not the biggest problem. Corn-based ethanol effects (usually indirectly) world food markets, and growing corn in America uses a high amount of petrochemicals.

  18. Does anyone else think it’s funny that the wrong form of “too” was used here?

Hemp Conspiracy: An Introduction (Peace Bud Cable TV Premiere) Presents ‘An Introduction to Cannabis.’ Want to legalize? Then post as many video responses of any kind. Personally tell the world that you want to legalize. You might want to post Your Video Responses Now. — See this weeks winner of the VIDEO RESPONSE CHALLENGE Check out this same clip with Best Hemp Related Video Responses From Individuals Like You. Featuring ‘Run From The Cure: The Rick Simpson Story’ (Irrefutable proof that Hemp Oil cures Cancer and ALL other diseases)
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