The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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50 Responses

  1. @EpiDemic117 What don’t you understand about Ice Age? Warmth vs Ice Age isn’t a question of soil fertility. It’s a question of glaciation plus temperatures that do not support the plants that used to grow in that area… Climate change will ultimately prove hugely fatal for humanity. Check out all the smaller beings it already decimated: wellDOTTcom/~davidu/extinction­DOTThtml

  2. Incidentally, I want to see the corporate executives at Greenpeace and PETA and the rest of these corporate titanic pretend activist environment and animal rights organizations prosecuted for their participation in the depopulation agenda. I recognize efficiency is the solution, elimination of waste, veganism, clean energy. With those implemented, the human population could actually expand. With the present wasteful regime in place, humanity will crash which plays into the hands of the dominant.

  3. @EpiDemic117 And 1 more time: wellDOTTcom/~davidu/extinctionDOTThtml

    The Earth is NOT going to be fine. The Earth is already hugely damaged.

  4. Anyone who so boldly defies the mountainous evidence and logic as you do, surely does what he does for a cash pay check. So, live it up Corruption. That’s your new name. There’s about to be a flame sweep the planet and then you’ll be gone. Good bye.

  5. @EpiDemic117 It’s not about oil existing you cracked tooth mercury filled air head. It’s about oil existing in a liquid environment, floated there by dispersant which makes it water soluble and where it’s NOT SUPPOSED TO BE, thereby ruining the formerly pristine ocean bottom environment where it is and eradicating ALGAE so hugely to step down production of OXYGEN as algae USED to supply humanity, notice, past tense, used to.

  6. @danielvincentkelley so global warming IS GOOD then! since it will make the land more fertile. you fuck. So algore is wrong.

  7. @EpiDemic117 No actually what happens when the ice caps melt, is that the ocean is diluted. Which means the ocean currents slows, which means the equatorial water doesn’t reach the extremes of the globe quickly enough to warm the air in what is now the temperate zone, which means the world goes into an ice age, as was detected by examination of drilled ice cores and ocean sediment cores, reading the geologic history of Earth. So, Ice Age is next, due your loved global warming you super idiot.

  8. @kylesterep I hope you’ll subscribe to my channel. I do my best to find the hidden truth and expose it in my videos.

  9. @danielvincentkelley nobody gives a fuck about earth accept you fagot. Earth will be fine as long as liberals aren’t alive, We should burn more oil so things are less cold, then there won’t be any problems. if the ice caps melt. That means more clouds, more clouds means more rain, so what if polar bears die? more rain means there will be less drought which also means we can plant and farm more stuff. God you are fucking stupid.

  10. You’re too potently moronic for me to chat longer with you. I’m going to block you now. Have a great death, ok?

  11. @EpiDemic117 The past year has been the WORST year ecologically in the whole history of Earth, except for the dinosaur extinction, which is the only event that rivals the present mass extinction that’s under way. wellDOTTcom/~davidu/extinctionDOTThtml
    The ocean’s going to be fine, really? Already only 10% of big ocean fish remain. That was before the BP oil spill, the FukUshima nuke spew and the 40m gallon Tiajuana sewage spill…

  12. @EpicDA You wouldn’t know logic if it bit you in the a$s. F*ck what “man worked so hard to achieve”. What’s been built so far is HUGELY DIRTY ENERGY facility. It’s a prescription to kill the planet which is why there’s been a global mass extinction under way for more than a decade. The present mass extinction is directly related to the DIRTY industry that’s been built, which is wholly unnecessary to bettering human living conditions and hugely counter productive. Again, your logic is antiSpock.

  13. You’re a effen moron. You think oil in the ocean is the natural order. Why not screen house those windmills? Keep the birds away from them? Build the wind turbines big as the Hancock building, just put screens around the exterior instead of windows and fill every floor with vertical axis wind turbines. I’m not against solar panels in the dessert. I’d guess the wildlife likes the shade. I didn’t ruin CA you a$shole. I don’t even know what the hell you’re talking abotu.

  14. …BP brought so much free oil directly to US coasts,what US are looking for there nearby Libya’s coasts…

  15. @danielvincentfagot The ocean is going to be fine, environmental fags like you complain about EVERYTIHNG. even windmills decapitating birds. Solar panels disturbing wildlife in the desert. You fucks ruined California, And now are trying to spread you anti logical ways across the globe fucking EVERYTHING up that man worked so hard to achieve.

  16. @danielvincentkelley i’m sure the energy gods would be happier if we offered you as a sacrifice to feed and satisfy them.

  17. @danielvincentkelley Nature created oil moron, stop trying to alter what i said you fuck.

  18. The mass murderer executives at BP who knew the well head was leaking oil 2 months before the explosion and rather than fix it, they sold their stock the god damn capitalists, capitalizing murderously on massive suffering.

  19. @Jaysin5506 You’re talking about BP obviously? They bought Coots and Scoots or some company named something like that, right? The “biggest oil clean up company on Earth”… Like 2 weeks before the rig exploded killing 11 people. Like 2 months after the well head leak had started and 2 months before anybody knew about the situation except for the mass murderer executives at BP…

  20. @EpiDemic117 #2 Nature didn’t create oil fields in the middle of ocean water you effen moron. Your logic is like antiSpock. How bout you look up whether oil is toxic to the ocean, where organisms have evolved in a saline solution, not oil correxit mix. You effen moron.

  21. @Epicmoron Oh really? Because, from what I read, you’re a effen moron. The gulf oil spill killed nearly all of the algae in the gulf of Mexico and wreaked hazard on the Atlantic AND even spread steal eating bacteria from the Gulf to the North Atlantic, where it was detected that the Titanic began to disappear, due to the steal eating bacteria. It was 200 million gallons of oil and 40 million gallons of correxit which is said to DESTROY ECOSYSTEMS. So, NO it’s not like a drop of iodine in a pool.

  22. The Mississippi Gulf Stream practically blocked because of this ongoing disaster. This blockage is already harshly effecting the weather, worldwide. People and animals continue to be sick and die. Shame on BP !!

  23. It’s never about the environment. In 62 years I’ve met only a hand full of people that posses even a small connection with the natural world that created us. Business is run by sociopaths.

  24. all people should die you are a fuckin cancer, so am i talk about saving people but you wouldnt save a kid from a car if it meant that youd break a nail who gives a fuck about you me or anything? id rather trip lsd evolve into my former primal instinct throw shit kill fuck die than be someone who talks all this shit about things that do not even matter you know why? because here is a concept that probably has never even crossed your mind… the earth is a insignifigant shitball.

  25. Visit Lunatic Outpost Forum for a friendlier alternative discussion board. We’re like GLP but without the racism.

  26. @Prtpot117

    you can think what you like but if a guy predicted these weather patterns to the date and place they happened, it had nothing to do with the Gulf Spill as he made these predictions before the spill occurred. If you don’t know who he is there’s only one way to find out.

  27. @darnok0611 Idk who he is but im sure he did. I think it was all caused by a bunch of things like the oil spill, the moon, and the shifting poles. The moons been causing big earthquakes down here in NZ. I think the oil spill contributed to the quickness of the cold winter in the UK??

  28. @Prtpot117

    If those things were caused by the Oil Spill and the Gulf Stream stopping, how did Piers Corbyn predict this weather at the beginning of 2010 using the Moon’s eclipse cycles?

  29. Oil Spill, TradeCenter Collapse=Attack on America by Dick Cheney Forces via Haliburton

  30. @2Bgrego32 Obama got Illinois’ Lottery draw 666 on victory-day. So it’s the end. Obama’s the Antichrist. Spread this news fast now, it’s the end.

  31. @Prtpot117 Correction, the worst weather in thirty years. Last year you weenies were lamenting the fact that kids in Britain would never see snow again because of global warming. Problem solved.

  32. @supressorgrid England, Ireland and Scotland are getting hit with the worst winter ever! This is because the oil spill has stopped the North Atlantic Current which warms the waters around Great Britain. Its also causing a very cold winter in America. Its caused flooding in Pakistan, France, China and Australia to name a few and also a month early intense summer down here in NZ. So no it hasnt been the end of the world yet but it could potentially affect Millions of lives. So shut ya fat face

  33. Well, I bet the Green Parties of the world and these so called environmentalists will benefit from the BP oil spill in effect use that situation to fuel the fire into their agenda, in this global carbon tax movement and what not. Just some speculation to throw out there.

  34. While I agree with some of your statements, except the bible shit, I would point out that the BP oil spill is a piss in the ocean compared to what is happening in the Niger delta, Africa. Exxon Mobil, a US company, is responsible for 90 million barrels of oil being spilled into the Niger over the last 50 years. This has caused countless deaths, disease and the total destruction of all plant and wildlife for miles. Google it, then you can put your little trickle into perspective. X


  36. Hello I Like your video You have insight and your like many of us waking up to whats happening now. Its scary but we all shine on,on and on and on. John lennon. Dont be scared but keep doing what your doing to wake people up. I am on Twitter My Id is Gold4money. Check out my tweets and you will see whats really going on.

  37. god your fucking old
    And yes we will all die 2012
    But thankfully, i will fianance a fallout bunker and go there with 5 asian hookers and a 10 year life supply of Captain crunch and lube.

  38. I agree with this hot girl,if you look at the facts and not just say this could never happen because its too incredible,it makes sense.

  39. @flashfire320 I’ll be one of the few suvivors cos i go to church every sunday and always put a few notes, not coins, into the collection plate. So I reckon I’ll have a lot of brownie points when judgement day comes.

  40. @technotrancelover It’s a standard technique that has been used in conjunction with other compressable materials on many occasions.

‘Oil spill disaster was coming, govt ignored high risks’

Professor Richard Steiner, a former marine conservation specialist, told RT that experts knew that the catastrophe would happen sooner or later, as the government was not providing adequate oversight of these deep-water exploratory projects. RT on Facebook: RT on Twitter:

Live feed monitoring oil leak msnbc Matt simmons well unpluggable, will leak for 9000 days oil rig leak could have been sealed in 8 hours flat BP fails booming school Obama says ‘Plug It!” BP suggests ping pong balls BP has begun ‘top kill’ Obama and BP go way back: campaign contributions Hopi prophecy seismographs register earthquake with epicenter in Florida (I cannot confirm this at this time)
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