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21 Responses

  1. There go the righties – calling our troops murderers.

    Does this then not PROVE that Modern Republicans … and their mindless drone-like supporters – are the ENEMY of our brave men and women in uniform?

    Our troops perform their duty in the name of our nation – and Righties call them BABY KILLERS and MURDERERS.

    Just goes to show – the Right IS …. and ALWAYS HAS BEEN … the enemy of our troops — the opponent of our nation.

    Just like when the cowardly Swift Boaters – (with the support of Karl Rove) – mounted a demonization campaign of John Kerry’s military service.

    Just like when cowardly Republican Saxby Chambliss called decorated Vietnam Vet Max Cleland – a friend of Osama bin Laden.

    I guess this is why our troops overseas supported Barack Obama and Joe Biden – over John (Adulterer) McCain … and Sarah (Quitter) Palin.

    Thanks for the opportunity to prove this to the entire world.

    Were it not for your crazy question – I would not have been able to respond with reason.



    you guys actully thought obama was different from bush



    there all the same..

  3. We are at war and it’s talk like this that gives aid and comfort to our enemies. Why do you hate America?

    Just kidding, that line was used on me many times during the GWB days. I just wanted to see how it feels to use it.

  4. You misunderstand, it is being done to support the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us against in his farewell speech. One thing the younger generation needs to understand is that the problems facing our nation did not begin 10 years ago. They began 70 years ago. We have just turned a blind eye on it until now.

  5. The news does not specify if those civilians were working on military installations, if that is the case, it is to be expected that they would be unintended casualties.

    As for “blood for oil”, clearly you didn’t understand what the complaint was against Bush, and are attempting to put that on President Obama. You should know that the US is not, nor does it intend to invade Libya.

  6. You’re right Amanda, let the Genocide continue. You Pro-Muammar Gaddafi supporters are a danger to the world.

  7. Yep, thats whats happening. Sense Libya has a dictator who is cruel to his people, we kill Libyan civilians for oil. That’s why we attacked.

  8. Obama is Killing Civilians for Oil.

    And He can keep Our Oil Shut Down.

    Ain’t He Cool?????

  9. What allies we have, French, Italy, Britain, Canada and of course the liar who started it all the US leader Obammmy. Cnn is estimating that ten thousand children, women and innocent men will be killed by the Bombers supplied by Obammmy. Sad little creature.

  10. It doesn’t surprise at all that the left supports this while not supporting the Iraq war. These same people wanted Bush impeached for doing the same thing Obama is doing, he didn’t get congresses approval, he’s already killing people and he won’t stand up to Iran. But he gets his peoples support!

  11. “No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.”

  12. C’mon Michelle Malkin, you have your own website, you don’t need to come in here and post your silly comments too! Please don’t cry too hard when Obama successfully liberates Libya.

  13. Yes the U.S. troops are trying to kill all civilians because it is the Christian way.

  14. I heard that exact kind of BS a thousand times from the deranged lefties. Now they pretend they don’t get your point.

  15. Does this mean that we can add Obama to the list of war criminals that includes Bush?

  16. You are a US Traitor and a member of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s military forces killing thousands of its own people.

Q&A: Why is President Obama killing Libyan civilians for Oil? Blood for Oil?

Question by Amanda Kerry: Why is President Obama killing Libyan civilians for Oil? Blood for Oil?

Obama intervenes and almost 50 innocent civilians die right away. How many will his quest for blood oil kill?

Best answer:

Answer by courtesyflush
You’re sounding more and more like Gadaffi.

not surprised

President Obama and the world on one side,
Republicans like you and Gadaffi on the other side.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!