The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

California Hybrid Drivers Lose Car-Pool Lane Privileges

California Hybrid Drivers Lose Car-Pool Lane Privileges
Starting July 1st, solo drivers of hybrid cars in California will see their special pass to the car pool lane disappear. Since 2004, hybrid owners with a special permit were allowed entry into California’s High-Occupancy-Vehicle (HOV) lanes even when driving alone. The special yellow key-shaped decals that denoted access quickly became a…
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Incentives for manufacture, import of hybrid cars pushed
SEVERAL fiscal and non-fiscal incentives for the manufacture, assembly, conversion and importation of electric, hybrid and other alternative fuel vehicles is being pushed “to promote the market for cleaner vehicles and pave the way for the realization of having a healthier environment.” read more
Read more on Sun Star

Neighborhood e-vehicles set to boom in Asia Pacific
Neighborhood electric vehicles (NEVs) have outstanding benefits of zero-tail pipe emissions, low vibration and noise as well as low running and maintenance costs due to negligible recharge costs.