I’m sick of people ignoring climate change. Ignoring it has been facilitated by fossil fuel funded efforts to spread doubt and uncertainty about the science behind climate change. Thus, we’re all confused about climate change, and give up even thinking about it let alone acting to stop it. What sort of conspiracy? Well, have a look at the so-called ‘climate-gate’ situ for a start. The media focused on a few emails that had been badly written by a few scientists. I think they missed the bigger picture — who dug out those emails? Who leaked them to the press? Why did we not see an inquiry into that to see what their motivation was? I’ll bet this is just muck-raking by fossil fuel interests. That’s a bigger story, to me, particularly as the climate science in question has been shown to be robust. Another good example of a fossil fuel conspiracy against climate change is the Global Warming Policy Foundation. This group is clearly funded by fossil fuel interests to spread doubt about climate change science. Human-made climate change is now a scientific fact. If you encounter a group claiming otherwise, ask yourself — why?
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