The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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25 Responses

  1. @Bobbiethejean

    ” History is on my side. We move forward. We attempt to make things better and when we fail, we acknowledge, accept responsibility,..”

    LMFAO!! u gd clown, like u accept responsibility for the housing bubble created by Carter’s CRA and Clinton corrupting bank lending practices, leading to sub-primes and the financial meltdown

    Biden/Obowama are still blaming Bush for “driving the economy into the ditch”, when in fact he tried to regulate gov backed entities, was blocked

  2. @genie0390 History is on my side. We move forward. We attempt to make things better and when we fail, we acknowledge, accept responsibility, and try to fix it. We want equality, freedom, safety, peace, and happiness. You idiots aren’t happy unless you’re blowing someone up, retarding progress, blocking technology, and screwing over the little guy. You are destructive, regressive, and fundamentally anti-human.

    You are greedy, bigoted ignorants and the world would be better off without you.

  3. @genie0390 There are no alternatives becuase of the massive oil subsidies which drive down costs of production and crowd out the development of alternatives.

  4. Profits for the top five oil companies totaled $34 billion in the 1st QUARTER of this year. An industry that is this profitable does not need taxpayer-funded incentives to pursue its fortunes. Giving taxpayer money to any profitable private business – during a recession and while running massive deficits – is NOT conservative. It’s corrupt.

    48 senators just revealed their loyalties in stark terms. Unless you can match the campaign funding offered by a $100 billion corporation, it isn’t to you.

  5. @Bobbiethejean

    “My “sick” ideology is one that puts people before profit and logic upon a pedestal.”

    that’s a typical smug attitude i find a lot in super liberals. u are too fuckin ignorant to know or care that every social goal carries with it a big price tag which must be paid somehow, and always there are unintended consequences. Profts and wealth creation by people who actually do things is what provides the means to indulge ur sick views. How dare u discount it, fuckin pipsqeak

  6. @Bobbiethejean

    ur 35 IQ score don’t impress me much

    I WILL presume to tell u what ur ideologies are in that u admit being a “progressive retard”, that says it all!

    if u don’t support Obowma as u say then who do u support? remember Fidel is too old to matter any more

    as for far-left ideologies moving societies forward i am impressed with how it moved Soviet Union and Eastern Europe towards Dark Ages and beyond, what it did to Cuba, Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, California 4 start

  7. @MaudsPas

    do YOU see how i made my point w/o resorting to my usual nasty replies? are u impressed or what?

  8. @MaudsPas

    let ME guess,..u likely never attended University, never taken a basic economics course and don’t have any clue as to how business functions

    oil companies don’t have a monopoly, the only thing allowing them to operate the way they do is that there are NO viable alternate fuels despite all the foolish wishful thinking going on within the Obowma administration and elsewhere.

    if u don’t agree, please tell me what those “alternate fuels” are and where do i drive to fuel up??

  9. @genie0390 See how I made my point all without sounding like a half breed? Grammar is your friend.

  10. @genie0390 SO what? They have a monopoly and if they didn’t provide energy (at jacked up prices) other competitors would enter the market and provide alternative energy. It’s called the invisible hand. Let me guess you must have been persuaded by big oil’s recent mega ad campaign and now you think they are somehow necessary. Get real, they are a company and I don’t owe them anything. They are leeches and if they can’t make it without the subsidies(they can) then let them fail.

  11. @genie0390 135 IQ, bitch. Just because a corrupt conservatard politician says something doesn’t make it true. Incidentally, I don’t support Obama and neither do most progressives I know.

    No you will NOT presume to tell me what my ideologies are, you arrogant, piece of shit moron. Progressives move society forward. If idiots like you had their way, we’d still be in the fucking dark ages, LITERALLY.

    My “sick” ideology is one that puts people before profit and logic upon a pedestal. Assclown.

  12. @genie0390

    Also, since I am not a Democrat, and because I recognize the chronic dysfunction which plagues both major parties in this country right now, I am not here to apologize or make excuses for Clinton, Dodd, Frank, or any other prominent figure on the national scene who may have played a role in the recent economic collapse and subsequent recession, or who authorized and orchestrated the bailout of Wall St. Trust me, I have no illusions about the Democratic Party.

  13. @genie0390

    So the proposed regulatory changes back in 2001 and 2005 did not stem from concern over speculation in bundled subprime mortgage loan securities, or the potential for fraud and abuse, but rather from a desire to completely privatize the credit market, regardless of the consequences for people stricken by poverty who, except for the provision under federal regulatory oversight of home mortgage loans at a reduced cost, might very well have to live on the street.

  14. @genie0390

    The “government-backed entities” to which you alluded are institutions like the Veterans’ Administration (VA) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The previous administration sought to reduce the power and mandate of such agencies to compete in poor neighborhoods and on behalf of veterans against Wall St. corporations and privately held companies in the credit market. The proposed regulatory changes were designed to accomplish this goal.

  15. @quantumcodex

    you seem highly intelligent, so i will refer you to the 2 attempts by the Bush administration to regulate “Government Backed Entities”, once in 2001 and 2nd 2004/05, both met with very stiff opposition from Dodd, Frank, Rep Waters and even Obama, attemts blocked

    Clinton deregulated banks in 1999 and appointed F. Raines CEO Fannie Mae mission to stop bank redlining

    Dems took Congress 2006, Barny Frank as Chmn of Banking Comm could have stopped fiasco and warned us

  16. @Bobbiethejean

    Rahm didn’t mention my being retarded but he sure does think u are!!

    How am I a fool? it is you dumb pricks that support Obowma so strongly, Rahm came with the territory, he is of ur making thereby making YOU the fool!!

    i will presume to tell u what ur ideas are, seeing that u said it is progressives only that have any brains and that we must move forward,..over the cliff obviously

    u provided good clues as to ur sick ideology, bitch!!

  17. @MaudsPas

    “Big oil pays little in taxes yet uses our courts to enforce their contracts, our roads and ports to distribute their product, our schools educate their working force, our military to keep shipping lanes open.”

    that’s what’s so great about big oil, it drives our entire economy, provides fuel for transporting food to feed ur ass, fuel to keep u mobile, fuel for jetliners for u to visit ur retarded Granny at thanksgiving, big dividends for pension plans

    fuck, do i ever luv it

  18. @genie0390 So because a corrupt politician says something rude that makes it true? This is exactly what I’m talking about. You are retarded. Rahm stabbed the American people in the back, fool.

    Don’t presume to tell me what my ideas are, you have no fucking clue, you arrogant, presumptuous little fuckshit.

    And lol, I have no balls? How would you know that? You don’t know me. Bitch.

  19. @genie0390

    Furthermore, just look at the regulatory history of the CRA. The oversight authority of the Department of Treasury was purposefully reduced to please the credit industry under the administration of George W. Bush, see p. 10023 and 44256, Vol. 70, No. 40 of the Federal Register, published on March 2, 2005. The fact is the federal regulations had actually been relaxed over the years before the bubble of speculation on subprime mortgage loans burst in 2008.

  20. @genie0390

    Also, you claim the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 “led to hundreds of billions of toxic mortgages, which led to the meltdown” of 2008. However, before the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services in February of 2008, Michael Barr, a professor of law at the University of Michigan, testified that 50-80% of subprime mortgage loans were made by companies not routinely subject to comprehensive regulatory oversight, quite profitable ones, I might add.

  21. @genie0390

    I seriously question your assumption that maximization of corporate profit is ultimately what drives technological innovation and invention, because contrary to what you apparently believe, the vast majority of scientists, engineers, and inventors are not just in it for the money. They work hard and take risks for modest pay because they recognize and appreciate natural beauty, mathematical elegance, and the potentially revolutionary consequences of discovery.

  22. @Bobbiethejean

    right on! progressives are the only people with brains and that is the reason Rahm Emanuel called you all “fucking retards”!

    your ideas are to spend tax,spend tax, spend tax, regulate the companies out of existance and then blame the GOP for all the problems

    a progressive idea was the CRA which in effect forced bankers to change and loosen lending rules which led to hundreds of billions of toxic mortgages which led to the meltdown, now u blame Bush

    u don’t have balls

  23. @genie0390 Progressives are the only people in this country with any brains. Unlike the rest of you idiots, we realize that to move forward, we need to actually GO FORWARD and not sit there licking our balls like conservatives do.

2 Dem Senators Cave On Oil Subsidies

Senators Mary Landrieu (D-LA) and Mark Begich (D-AL) are defending subsidies for big oil companies. Cenk Uygur explains why. Subscribe: TYT Mobile: On Facebook: On Twitter: FREE Movies(!): Read Ana’s blog and subscribe at: Read Cenk’s Blog: