The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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11 Responses

  1. Without fat YOU WOULD DIE. You need to eat some fat to live, it’s essential.

    Calories are not evil, they are simply units of energy. High calorie doesn’t mean unhealthy. And low calorie doesn’t mean healthy.

    Many nutrients are fat-soluble. Without appropriate amounts of fat, the nutrients would just pass right through you.

    I think you need to do some more research on nutrition.

  2. People think oil is healthy because it is, in moderation. You seem to be forgetting that lipids (aka fat) are one of the six vital nutrients. Oil contains healthy fats, and without healthy fats, you die. Eating too much fat doesn’t do anyone any good, but it’s far healthier than eating fat-free.

    Also, you should refrain from insulting others in your questions. Not only is it against Y!A rules, but calling us idiots isn’t likely to get you very many decent answers.

    PS: Dirty Jobs on Discovery Channel is explaining right now why olive oil is good for you. It’s a cool show. You should check it out. :)

    PPS: I’m not being defensive. Insulting ANY other user is against Y!A rules. Also, you should receive your nutrients from varied sources. Not all your fats should come from oils, but they are a good source.

  3. Olive oil is actually very healthy. It has important fatty acid, so it’s very healthy in moderation. You loose the nutritional value if you heat the oil too much, so food fried in olive oil is not healthy.

  4. You need fat in your diet. Canola oil and olive oil are the healthiest types of fats available. Yes, they’re very high in calories, which is why they’re such a tiny group of the food pyramid. But the only other choice is basically animal fat… which obviously isn’t as healthy.

  5. Monounsaturated fats lower LDL cholesterol levels. Omega-3 oils reduce risk of stroke and heart disease. And even though the oil itself has little nutritional value, you need fat to help process fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D and K.

    I agree that too much fat is too much fat, but people need some fat in their diet, and most fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes are very low in fat, so added fat is recommended. If you eat a lot of avocados, nuts, ground flaxseed etc., additional oil is not as important.

    The recommended amount is a couple of teaspoons (not a couple of tablespoons) of healthy oils a day. The 90 calories isn’t going to blow anyone’s diet, but it will make you feel more full and aid digestion.

    Stick to cold-pressed oils for the maximum health benefits, not highly processed, chemically extracted oils like canola.

  6. Canola oil is fail because it’s genetically engineered but as others have mentioned you do need oil in your diet, though I agree in most cases it doesn’t need to be deliberately added. I prefer using sesame oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, etc. They’re much healthier alternatives. Olive isn’t bad but I use it sparingly as it has a strong flavor that I only really enjoy in salads or on crunchy bread with tomatoes.

  7. Of course too much fat is too much fat, but we still need oils and fats in our diet to live. Knowing which fats and oils are healthiest (avocados, olive oil, etc.) and moderation is key.

  8. its fine in moderation, and fat is essential to survive.
    obviously its very easy to overload, but the fact that these particular oils are unsaturated make them less likely to cause heart disease than saturated fats while still providing a bit of nutritional value.

  9. Why do you care if people consume oil? I mean wtf, I can’t believe you’re ranting so much about OIL when there are worse things in the world

Q&A: Why do people think oil(olive oil, canola oil, etc) is healthy?

Question by P.C.: Why do people think oil(olive oil, canola oil, etc) is healthy?
It’s extremely high calorie, 100% fat, and void of most nutrients. The “heart health” benefit theory was debunked when a study showed that the high fat content caused a decrease in blood flow. It’s only redeeming quality is it’s free of trans fat(omg, what an accomplishment /sarcasm), and low in saturated fat(again, what an accomplishment).

Too much fat is too much fat, and you can get all the monounsaturated fat you need from a healthy diet with lots of fruit, grains, and vegetables. I mean really, when the hell have you ever heard of someone not getting enough fat in their diet? A couple of tablespoons a day isn’t gonna kill anyone, but seriously, if you’re healthy it’s despite the oil, not because of it.

Also, since I know idiots are gonna be like “omg rant u no ask kwestin!!!!eleven!11” so I’ll repeat the question even know it’s at the top in BIG BOLD LETTERING – Why do people think oil(olive oil, canola oil, etc) is healthy?
I already covered fat in my “rant.” Some fat=good. High fat=bad. I eat around 20% fat and I don’t dip everything in oil.
Also, I only called those that might say “OMG NO KWESTIN” idiots, not everyone reading the question, I’m sorry you fail when it comes to reading comprehension and I’m sorry you’re so defensive. You know, I wrote so much in my comments to avoid useless answers, but clearly I was wasting my time with my “rant.”
Just wanna let everyone know Sam Spayed is most likely to get best answer, she didn’t really answer the question cause I was talking about oil freaks(people that preach about how healthy oil is when it really isn’t and/or dip everything they eat in it), not people that add a little to their diet, and she gave generally good health advice, though I disagree that we need added fats, 10-15% fat is more than enough, and perfectly attainable without any added oil. I get around 20% with just a little added oil for non-stick purposes.

Best answer:

Answer by ron
So, since this seems to be more of a psychology question, asking why people are responding a certain way, why is this posted in “food & drink?” Just curious Sounds more like you’re looking for a spot to put an anti-oil rant to me.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!