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25 Responses

  1. It’s called Chemtrail residue or the Corexit. They are doing some crazy shit and I feel like they just don’t care about how it is affecting anyone.

  2. This is a side effect of the use of dispersant’s. The Corexit 9500 used will turn oil into a sort of mayonnaise, in fact all dispersant’s will, then the oil can not be removed from the water. What they didn’t know was that this also allows the oil to travel along with the water as an evaporate. What this means is if you take that water and dispersant mixture and try and distill the water you will get the water and dispersed oil in the collection chamber. Water must be broken down to take it out.

  3. that would be corexit my friend, I doubt u still have the sample but if u ever want to find out, put oil + water in with that white liquid. If the oil sinks/disperses in the water, corexit is present.

  4. @skwerlsr In answer to your comment to MrJimBoneham as of 3 months ago, it is interesting that as the waters have been poisoned because of the ‘accidental’ oil spill, that these things wer mentioned inthe bible 2000 odd years ago.

  5. Mr Jim don’t argue with the idiots nothing can save them anyway. I know what you are saying and there’s more people like you with the same story like Corexit in swimming pools in FL. It is deadly bad for your body.

  6. Click on StigmataBOB1 and look at videos on Toxic Rain.
    I am in eastern TN.
    The EPA should be doing this, but is being investigated by Guys like us. I have subscribed to you and will watch what you find.

  7. crazy stuff for sure, I am posting video links for my family and friends. thanks for posting, better safe than sorry

  8. @skwerlsr take a look at this blog and you will see the answer to your questions:


  9. i’ll wager that it’s directly related to BP’s use of “Corexit”, a highly toxic oil dispersant – which is actually BANNED from use in Britain – that easily transitions into a gaseous state (in hot weather and warm waters), and in that gas forn is absorbed by water vapors and carried up in clouds , which can quickly (by clouds) travel to nearly any part of the Eastern Uniited States , and later be released as a toxic rain – in which there have been more and more similar reports about dying plants!

  10. @spydrworks Fact is that it happened and you are just trying to say it didn’t. Time will tell and you NonBelievers will wish something had been done before it completely destryed our environment. So sad that video proof isn’t enough for some Sheeple!

  11. Here’s my “well, duh” opinion. I am certainly not a trained scientist in any way, but my hypothesis is that this was picked up over the gulf and carried by the clouds until they dropped it. It might have something to do with that oil dispersant they are spraying down there. Maybe it breaks down the oil enough to let it evaporate into the atmosphere.
    All this is assuming that these particular rain clouds came up from the gulf, which is not an unreasonable possibility for SC.

  12. @spydrworks You definately have LOTS to learn my friend. Ever heard of a spectrograph… more technology exisits than you have been taught. They can take a soil sample or water sample and give you everything that is in it including saliva… let me tell you that you are far from educated if you do not know the technology capabilities now days.

  13. @spydrworks – well we do know one thing, the gumment has not declared a National emergencey other than Bobby Jendell, and they have not distpatched scientists to every state to take samples and monitor the situartion, why? They’re to busy getting the Carbon Tax Bill ready to tax us for breathing the polluuted air the corrupt greedy corprorations and their stooges in Congress have created,

  14. @MrJimBonham…Perhaps you can use some remedial classes about the scientific method. If you’re a lab tech I’d certainly question your position with that company. I’m a Bio-Science major soon to receive a Bachelor’s in Science degree. Contaminated samples are worthless. Whatever is found could have come from what contaminated the sample & the scientific method aids to rule out propaganda.

  15. @brynn30 I did Brian… unfortunately they are government funded and will NOT give me the results. You see the video… it’s happening and OUR Brilliant Government is trying to HIDE IT!

  16. Will someone for the love of God take a sample to their local college science dept or agricultural extension office and prove this is happening????

  17. Ch-5 in Mobile AL took some sample to a lab — the tech who we may trust to have some idea how to do the test showed a broken glassware flask on camera, and told the news interviewer that that had never happend in their lab …..

Oil or Chemical Rain in South Carolina – Update – June 26, 2010

This video is an update with more proof of what fell during the Thunderstorm today June 26, 2010 about 3:20 pm Eastern Time See our blog to keep up to date on results if we get a unbiased result from a non government regulated source, if that is possible now days. Visit link below: This video is raw un-edited video of something in the RAIN (oil or chemical) during a Thunderstorm in Upstate South Carolina. Interesting and Real Pollution! Does anyone have an explanation? Could this be caused from the Chemicals and or Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico? This video is an update with more proof of what fell during the Thunderstorm today June 26, 2010 about 3:20 pm Eastern Time Because I have had such a hard time getting the Truth of this event that happened during a Thunderstorm on June 26, 2010 — 3:20 pm in Upstate South Carolina, I am starting a blog to plea for help from a interested party for the Truth. It is very interesting that we have documented these findings and no one seems to be interested enough to do the required testing that needs to be done. More and more there seems to be a cover up of the Truth of our Environment because of Chemtrails or the Oil Spilling in the Gulf of Mexico. I am not saying what I found is harmful but, I want to know and I am having trouble finding people that are as interested in finding the Truth as I am.