The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

16 Responses

  1. how about a golf car that is solar powered? a normal 36v golf car with good trojan batteries with a very powerful solar panel or 2 smaller panels. mount the charge controler IN THE DASH NOT ON THE DASH to protect it from the rain and build a enclosed cab with doors, lights, windshild wipers and the whole nine yards. you can swap motors to make them very fast as well :)

  2. U checked out the evergreen solar cells 1 kW for 350 bucks hell of a deal just put them together. Made a small one in a lunch tray and put 15 Watts and 4 amps

  3. @thatguywiththeegg Umm not much really. You just need to figure the watts and amps you need and build a battery bank big enough and panels that will charge it. Maybe like a 65 watt pannel 2 batt.s

  4. How big of a system would you say is required to power something large like a laptop?

  5. check out an RV PLACE the store /location have 12 volt a/c light refig. fans etc the two solar panel can charge up to four batteries to run a lot of things

  6. @skittles1854 around 200 but if you don’t use the encapsalant its around 150 so not too bad prices are cheaper now so I would build them w/out encapsalant.

  7. How much did they cost you to build? I’d like a series of them for my roof. I need to do some research on building them verses buying them.


Here is my little solar project. In an shtf situation these will help. I’m going to store them as part of my preps. Min 140 watts of power. Check out my website