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6 Responses

  1. The reason why there are people still alive in the Middle East is because of families generations (having kids over and over again)

  2. I know all the news reports bombard you with caualtiy figures and statistics, making it seem like the whole middle eastern region is being annihilated, you have to put it in perspecitive. First, many of the news channels repeat many of the same deaths when figuring the death toll, and double count, for example…

    A car bomb today rocked a market ion downtown Baghdad, killing 19 and wounding 23.

    and then three min later they will say….

    Today;s toll of dead and wounded in Iraq is 137.
    They make each death count twice and also much of its propoganda. Also, if you change the channel or pick up the newspaper you will see the same deaths just recalculated so you feel as if 137 more people have died.

    Second- keep in mind the middle eastern region has an extremely high birth rate, due to the lack of education and taboo against birth control, effectively canceling out the losses of population due to war.

    Unfortunately they havent just killed themselves off, if they had I feel most of the world would sleep much better at night.

  3. You think its bad now? LOL, wait til we leave.
    The only hope for Iraq at the moment is US marines and soldiers.

  4. This crap has been going on for centuries,Winston Churchal had warned everyone in the 1930’s about dealing with the aribs,I guess George just wanted to be like daddy.If it wasn’t for oil,nuke til they glow!

Q&A: how are there people still alive in the middle east?

Question by f0876and1_2: how are there people still alive in the middle east?
every day i hear about the casualities, including civilian and military, that occur in the middle east. on top of all the normal murdering and gang violence that other countries deal with, countries liek iraq also enjoy a three-way civil war, a war with the greatest military power in the world, and a lack of natural resources, except oil (they’re in the desert). terrorists blow up other people and themselves on an unfortunately regular basis, or else get blown up themselves by coalition forces. it occurs to me that this has been going on to some extent for the last few thousand years, and i wonder: how are there still so many people out there? it seems to me like by now they would have killed themselves off.

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Answer by NONAME

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