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49 Responses

  1. out of all the kills, would being burned to live be the least painful compared to the others we’ve seen?


  3. Because Leo tells him to, and Leo isn’t going to help him either he’s just going to order him around like an attack dog and be a douche.

  4. I would never ever enjoy watching real death or violence, thats sickening. However, something about knowing its not real, that it’s just art, part of a movie, makes it fun.

  5. 1:50 – guess he had to

    *wears sunglasses*

    HANG UP!


  6. The fire death left a lot to be desired, and the gun deaths were just lame. Everything else though. :o

  7. The katana sword is only in the Adult only version of the game.

  8. why ppl be posting some corny as comments? tryin to be funny and shit booooooooo!

  9. …the “Party”s’ protocols are atheistic. Hitler usurped the NAZI union/partys’ founders & had them killed/imprisoned.”left & right” are somewhat ambiguous terms, contingent upon the politico-flavors of any given country. Though it’s still essentially: The “far-right” is total anarchy -to each his own. The “far-left” is totalitarianism. To which Hitler gave of himself…totally. Religion is the tool of governments and those who hold the reigns of power…by our ‘standards’ yes, Hitler was left.

  10. …maybe…however, th’ guy’s for the most part…correct…the “Nazis” are Post WW2 *Belgian/U.S. NAZI/Marxist Capitalists who’ve hi-jacked the Democratic party and stand bank-in-bank w/the hidden, uber-rich Dem/GOP old-money…
    * -These guys are “old-money” too…yet, they hold a trump-card. They’re ver-ry old money…and old-blood too. Hubunga-wealthy, banker- families whose power and blood-lines existed B4 the USA did. Some go way back to the Medieval era. Bastards! They want America back…

  11. …Loughner is a LEFT-wing sociopath who was steered by Democrat-party enforcers to take-out the heroic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords(who recently, quietly surrendered her seat in the House) for leading those few noble Dem-party members in the House who refused to allow the post WW2 U.S. NAZI-Socialist/Democratic party manipulators give control back to Gruppenmutter Frau Pelosi and 1ce-again form that Constitution-attacking pig-fest of Obama, Reid & Pelosi. Loughner NEVER used guns. Yet, …

  12. If the “right” is to blame for certain shooting then the “left” can be blamed for the same behavior.

  13. Prove me wrong, liberal. You liberals blamed everyone but the gunman for what happened in Tucson, yet you told us not to jump to conclusions after the Fort Hood shootings.

  14. Hitler was a leftist? Huh…that’s news to me. You probably think he was an atheist too…

  15. Huh? They are blaming someone else because someone else is responsible. Those are ALL the recent examples in this country and not one of them were bleeding heart liberals. It’s spelled out for you with sources.

  16. I like how you included references, facts and sourcing in your post… Oh wait.

  17. Whilst I disagree to your now clerafied stance I will just say I misunderstood what you wrote earlier. I will just agree to disagree.

  18. Are you forgetting the communist manifesto? And there is zero evidence he listened to talk radio. TYT is making wild assertions. I’m not even saying he is a leftist. And I’m not even blaming his political slants (if he had any at all) on the shooting. But everyone else is. I’m saying there is evidence that he was a leftist, but I wouldn’t blame democrats or karl marx for the shooting. These guys are actually inferring that Republicans want democrats to be shot. That is just nonsense.

  19. Wait what? Are you trying to call Mein Kampf leftist? Are you calling liberals leftist? Go get yourself a reality check or an education, whatever it is lacking. HURRY!

  20. this is shameful. There is more evidence that Loughner is a left winger. His favorite books were mein kampf and the communist manifesto. His friends were interviewed and they said he didnt listen to talk radio. He wasn’t political, he hated george bush. So basically, he most likely never followed any of the right wingers who they are accusing. Despite the evidence of his leftist leanings, i still would never even think to blame the democrats.

  21. democRATS are such angels never doing any wrong. andrew jackson was a democrat and what did he ever do to hurt anyone ? yes he saved the country from the second coming of the british in new orleans but he did it with the help of slaves and indians. then to thank them he stuck a bayonet in there backs and sent them on the trail of tears killing men women and children along the way. thats how democRATS show gratitude. idiotic people helped obamass get elected and now WE are on the trail of tears.

  22. Then the Virginia tech shooter and the shooter that went off today can blame left leaning, democrats that are racist against Asian Americans and Asians. You are obviously a racist against Asian Americans and fall into the left right paradigm.

  23. Ah yes, more left/right paradigm bullshit, this time from propagandist extraordinaire Cenk. Next time it will be the propagandist, Mr. Beck. Both sides keep you fired up and that’s just what they want; divide and conquer.

  24. the god in in god we trust god stands for evil demonic schitzophrenic bull shit

  25. Wow, Fox News got you good. You’ve lapped up every bit of conservative propaganda that they have ever created, Here’s an idea. Put down your Bible and think…..Is this really what I believe? or have I been indoctrinated & lied to.


  26. Democrats attack women who CHOOSE NOT TO ABORT!

    Democrats blame Jews for everything, advocate Sharia Law, and want Israel wiped off the map.

    Democrats support suicide bombers and the asslifters who riot over cartoons and stone rape victims.

    Democrats would rather rally for a gangbanger, copkiller, or terrorist than stand up for babies.

    Democrats are the Nazis: Anti-Jewish, anti-Christian, pro-abortion, pro-Sharia, hatred of our troops, censorship.

  27. Republicans are ‘Pro-Life’ which takes away a womens RIGHT to CHOOSE.

    Republicans support an expansionist Zionist regime which oppresses peaceful Arabs in the Gaza strip.

    Republicans would rather execute a criminal(Pro-Life?) which costs twice the money of life imprisonment despite wittering on about fiscal responsibility. They also initially refused to grant free health insurance to 9/11 first responders.

    Republicans are evil and should to back in time to Nazi Germany or Italy

Manhunt 2 PC All Executions – Interactive – No Filter – Part 2 of 2

All 103 Manhunt 2 PC Interactive Executions in “stereo” mode. Recorded with Fraps at 30fps, Resolution 1680×1050, Audio Bitrate 320kbps Sorted by Colour. Part 1: Green and Blue Part 2: Environmentals and Red Enjoy! (or not…) Environmentals: Dentist Chair 0:00 Fire Extinguisher 0:21 Fuse Box 0:29 Gasoline 0:38 Iron Maiden 0:45 Liquid Nitrogen 0:53 Manhole 0:59 Meat Hook 1:13 Meat Grinder 1:26 Oil Drum 1:29 Telephone Cord 1:38 Toilet Cistern 1:52 Red: Axe 2:09 Baseball Bat 2:24 Crossbow 2:37 Hedge Clippers 2:42 Katana 3:05 M16 Assault Rifle 3:23 Sawn-Off Shotgun 3:27 Shovel 3:31 Sledgehammer 3:55 Sniper Rifle 4:11 Stun Prod 4:15 SPAS 12 4:34
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) breaks down the Gabrielle Giffords shooting at the hands of Jared Loughner in the context of various right wing politicians and pundits using violent rhetoric and imagery. “Like” The Young Turks on Facebook: “Follow” The Young Turks on Twitter: Click Here to Read Cenk’s Blog on Giffords Shooting: Excerpt from Blog: The conservative hate-mongers don’t create psychos. We get that there will always be disturbed individuals out there. But the right-wing directs these lunatics to a source. They channel their fear, anger and paranoia — and they point them toward the Democrats. They use them as hate seeking missiles. They load them up them up with violent imagery, whether it’s talk of cross-hairs or second amendment remedies or the tree of liberty being refreshed with blood. Then when they get a violent reaction they pretend to be surprised and outraged that anyone would suggest they were the least bit culpable. The reality is that it is a simple formula — violence in, violence out. Violent imagery in, violent results out. If pretending this isn’t political or that somehow it is both-sided doesn’t work (which they shouldn’t worry about because so far it has worked perfectly in white-washing their culpability in the media), then they say it’s political exploitation to point out what they have done. How the hell are we supposed to point out the problem if we can’t mention the issue for
Video Rating: 4 / 5