Unspillable Alternative Energy Website


Question by : why do people think human consumption extincts animals?
in the stone ages, when we had no technology and had no killing machines, and toxic gases, we ate a large quantity of our diet from meat, animals no where near extinction, not until we were spilling gases, taking their homes away, pumping oil, ( the worst was they had no place to live) and then with the wolves in yellow stone is we shot them all, then the food chain collapsed and this all had nothing to do with human consumption, also , from the oil spill a few weeks ago, we killed atleast 4X as many animals as we actually ate in the us in the last year

Finning: one of the reasons of shark getting extinct, the japanese cut their fins off and throw them into the water, this is not consumption, this is out of control killing

coral kill: we are taking up their habitats, also the gas and trash if pulloting and killing animals, the gas is killing coral, killing habitat of the fish, killing all the food chain and leaving the sharks at the top of the food chain nothing to eat,

habitat distruction: same thing with the coral but were taking nice areas away . and they have no where to live . nothing to do with consumption

dolphin kill: japanaese kill dolphins for fun

and their is alteast 1000 other reasons , that are the 100% cause of animals dieing, tigers eat more meat than we do, they dont kill the envirement, same with any other top chain meat eater

last of all, the most serious reason is cutting down tress

amazon rain forest: acres of rain forest are getting cut down every minute which is killing their habitats and crouding up and causing diseases to spread, limited room , and will lead to death for lots of them,

also, our main sources of meat, is chicken, cows, and pork, and turkey, and eggs , which is all produced in captivity, which included milk , cheese, eggs, and meat. eating snakes and frogs and sharks and other animals high in the food chain are high in mercury , and are important for the food chain, hardly any one eats these sources.

and none of you had single evidence that over 0.1% of animals death was from eating them, you just said that it did

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Answer by Kid d
be nice to ppl

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