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11 Responses

  1. Just because this land was never independent, that doesn’t mean that these people didn’t live in this land for 14 centuries at least and they deserve their freedom!! retard..

    If anything is a fraud it would be Israel and the silly claims of the jews that are stone age old.

  2. After the Romans kicked out the jewish population, some arab settlers came into the area the Romans called Phillistines. But there was still a jewish population there, too. When the brits occupied this land no one really seemed to protest it, and I happen to know for a fact that the brits ruling there where very harsh, and would not even give a chance for any protest-to jews or arabs alike. But after WWII when creating a country for jewish people to have on their own after being persecuted and slaughtered by the millions, the empty desolute sliver of land was mandated for jewish people. and so the jewish population there built the whole country with their own bare hands. Many old mosques you see today in israel where once jewish temples, and where changed. Then this arab-israeli conflict started. I do not know what you constitute as a fraud, but that’s where the wars started- when british gave israel to start. I don’t know why every other country surrounding israel and making up the whole middle east dont offer even a little piece of land for palestinians to have, or why they dont like the start of israel, but those are different questions on their own. There are many many arabs/palestinians living in israel today, and many moving in. They are given the same rights as any other israeli, as they have israeli citizenship. But I honestly think they just dont like the idea of a jewish country of israel, whether it’d be where it is now or in the middle of syria or jordan. i also dont know why any leader attempting to actually make piece with israel is somehow killed/assasinated, but thats also a different question.
    Only time will tell. A long, long time.

  3. But Europeans whose ancestors never stepped foot into Jerusalem are more entitled to live there?
    Whereas, I can trace my ancestors back to a village in Ramallah, and I am not allowed to live there.
    Yes, that makes sense indeed.

  4. To answer you, yes so true, I would also like to add that there has never been a civilization or a nation referred to as “Palestine” and the very notion of a “Palestinian Arab nation” having ancient attachments to the Holy Land going back to time immemorial is one of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated upon the world! There is not, nor has there ever been, a distinct “Palestinian” culture or language. Further, there has never been a Palestinian state governed BY Arab Palestinians in history, nor was there ever a serious Arab-Palestinian national movement until 1964… three years BEFORE the Arabs of “Palestine” lost the West Bank [Judea and Samaria] and Gaza as a result of the 1967 Six-Day War (which the Arabs started). Even the so-called leader of the “Palestinian” people, Yasser Arafat, is EGYPTIAN! In short, the so-called Arab “Palestinians” are a manufactured people…a people with no history and no authenticity… whose sole purpose for existence is to destroy the Jewish State!No nation, other than the ancient nation of Israel and later again in 1948 with the rebirth of the 2nd Nation of Israel, has ever ruled as a sovereign national entity on this land. A mighty Jewish empire extended over this entire area before the Arabs — and their Islam — were even born! The Jewish People have one of the most legitimate Birth Certificates of any nations in the world. Every time there is an archaeological dig in Israel, it does nothing but support the fact that the Jewish People have had a presence there for well over 3,000 years. The national coins, the pottery, the cities, the ancient Hebrew texts… all support this claim. Yes, other peoples have passed through, but there is no mistaking the fact that Jews have always had a continual presence in that land for over 3,000 years. This predates and certain dwarfs any claims that other peoples in the regions may have. The ancient Philistines are extinct. Many other ancient peoples are extinct. They do not have the unbroken line to this date that the Jews have. And if you want to talk religion, fine. G-d GAVE the Land of Israel to the Jewish People. And G-d does nothing by accident!

  5. The civilization there now is in no way related to ancient Israel.
    The land was called Palestine before the Romans, the Greeks and Egyptians both referred to a land called Palestine (in their own language).
    There was no “continuous Jewish presence” Jews were expelled from Jerusalem by the Romans, and the expulsion was continued by the Byzantines until the last Jewish remnants around Galilee were forced to convert or leave.
    Palestinian aren’t arab they’re genetic descendants of the Hebrews/Canaanites.
    You’re argument about 99% Arab is 100% rubbish. Whether or not a people wish to be free has no bearing on what their neighbours do. Africans occupied most of Africa, does that mean apartheid was justified?
    Palestinians were promised and were fighting for their Independence from the Ottomans. The Balfour Declaration and the Palestine Mandate DO NOT promise a Jewish state and was specifically worded to not state that.
    The “Jews” that remained in Palestine after Rome and Byzantium largely converted, they’re Palestinians, THEY are the ones that have been their since “time immemorial”, then they were told to make way for waves of European immigrants; the promises made to them broken. But as I said before, Israel is here to stay- now they are trying to subjugate an entire people without giving them any representation in what they refer to as a democratic country.
    Israel was not established in 1312 BCE BTW, there is no contemporary record of the event- you are going by Biblical text which can not be trusted.
    Rome had no such custom to erase all traces of the inhabitants they conquered.
    Palestinians didn’t give themselves the name, it is what they were called, by Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Egyptians, Crusaders, Turks and the British. But even if this wasn’t true, then they have as much right to call themselves Palestinians as European immigrants calling themselves after country that ceased to exist (along with its people) in 722BCE.

    Your tirade is not factual and is propaganda.
    @sneezer, so tell me what a Russian Jewish immigrant has in common with an Assyrian vassal state that lasted only a couple centuries? There were THREE Palestines in the Byzantine empire that lasted about TWICE as long as political entities than Israel. I can point to something even better that confirms Palestinians as a race- genetics. What langauge did Jews speak before 1948? What culture did they have? (other than religious- are all Catholics the same race?) Your argument more aptly describes them. Did Palestinians move to Palestine? So where did the Jews come from, was it only one place? Again Israel is here to stay, but you are trying to justify oppression and land theft in the occupied territories based on propaganda.

    @dandyl, why do you persist in these tales? your archeological dig statement is ludicrous! If anything archeological digs support Palestinians claims and expose the biblical stories as myth! there is no evidence of a “Jewish presence going back three thousand years”; what THERE IS evidence for is a group of nomadic tribes attacking Canaanite/Egytian cities. There was no unified country called Isreal, just a loose conglomerate of tribes until approximately 1000BCE when we have an “Israel” and a “Judah” who were constanly at war with each other and were vassal states of one power or another. They worshipped a pantheon on gods based on Baal, El and Elohim (children of El). The Yahweh cult was introduced from the north, possibly from Assyria in the ninth century BCE give or take. Israel had a temple to Yahweh (amongst other gods) and his consort Asherah (yes, appears God had a wife) at Samaria. When Judah fell to Babylon and the Jews wrote the Torah, they portrayed their enemies, the Israelites as evil and themselves as the rightful inheritors of both Yahweh and Canaan. Since Israel had been obliterated by Assyria over a century earlier, there were none to gain say the new, revised history. THAT is what archeology has taught people who care to know the TRUTH from the MYTH.
    As for your persistent statements that Arabs started the Six-day war, here’s little quote from Menachem Begin (perhaps you’ve heard of him?) “In June 1967, we again had a choice. The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches do not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him. ” Aug. 8, 1982, before the Israeli National Defense College.

  6. To answer you, yes it’s so true. Ashkenazim are khazar eurasian converts from 8-9th century caspian caucus area including western khazakstan ukraine etc. that’s why israel love georgia so much. it’s home.

  7. It sounds like you’re trying to brainwash people with lies rather than asking a question.
    Too bad some people are actually dumb enough to fall for such bullshit.

  8. Don’t forget to mention that the “Palestinians” became Palestinians in 1967. Before that they were either Egyptians or Jordanians. So much for an ancient history.

  9. i see that some people besides israelis see some sense.

    the thing i really dont get is why the hell palesitians claim jerusalem is theirs.

    after israeli 1948 wars Jordan occupied eastern jerusalem, the area that arabs keep claim used to belong to them.
    in 1967 israel occupied eastern jerusalem from the jordans.

    why people thing arabs EVER had a country here ?!?!?!

    israel was NEVER belonged to anyone, it was always mandated after the ancient jews lost the area.
    only after the israelis in the area came to rebuild the country in late 19th century there was some active people to gain control.
    arabs never tried to get control, only much later after the holocaust which sped up the declaration of israel.
    EVERY area currently controlled by israel was given to by the UN/occupied in wars against egypt, jordan, syria and lebanon.

    FYI israel already gave the palestinians complete control over gaza but all they do there is giving control to hammas (a terror organization) and getting their own citizen more poor than when it was under israeli military control.

    for those who live outside israel, what you see on international media about israel is false. remember, every truth has 2 sides.

Q&A: Does it not seem like this Arab-Israeli conflict is a big fraud ?

Question by The End: Does it not seem like this Arab-Israeli conflict is a big fraud ?
I do not understand the claims that Israel came and drove out the “rightful owners” stole from and killed the “Palestinians”. It contradicts history.

There has never been a civilization or a nation referred to as “Palestine”, how can a “country” be taken from them if the country never even existed in the first place? Israel however was a nation established in 1312 B.C., that’s like, 3000 years ago. King of ancient Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar killed or expelled many Jews, but many were allowed to remain and they rebuilt Israel, and also the 2nd temple.

When the Roman Empire marched through ancient Israel and destroyed the Second Jewish Temple, slaughtering or driving out much of its Jewish population in 70 A.D. Many Jews left on their own because conditions for life were made unbearable, but thousands upon thousands stayed and rebelled on for centuries in order to once again rebuild a Jewish Nation.

Through over 3000 years, all kinds of empires, peoples (including Arabs), religions, marched through Jerusalem, Israel’s capital, but none of them bothered to establish the country as their own, except the Jews. Not just that, the Jewish empire was on that land way before Islam even existed. Archeological findings, potteries, national coins with Hebrew texts and all that support that there was a continuous presence of Jews in Israel through out over 3000 years. How then can anyone say Jews suddenly appeared right after the Holocaust? They made the country, they built it, many were killed, driven out, or left on their own but many remained in their ancestral homeland.

While “Palestine” was a name that the ROMAN EMPIRE gave to Ancient Israel, after the ancient Philistines, Israel’s worst enemy, as it was their custom, they wanted to erase all traces of the original inhabitants of the lands they conquered. The Philistines were long gone by then thanks to David and his successors, and they weren’t even Arabs, while the Arabs of “Palestine” until 60 years ago, was simply known as…Arabs.

Arab countries occupy OVER 99% of the Middle East, not only do do they occupy a huge landmass, many sit on top of the oil reserves in the area. And yet, despite all that wealth of some of their rulers, it is somehow now West’s responsibility to aid the “poor Palestinians”.

Does it also confuse anyone else about the number of people popping up, calling themselves “Pals” and demanding the “right to return” to the land that was never their’s to return to ?

Best answer:

Answer by trancinguy
Boats – Disney.

Sneezer, I hope that verbal diarrhea of yours was not discharged from the wrong end.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!