The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

Do you use an electric car, hybrid, or gasoline car?

Question by : Do you use an electric car, hybrid, or gasoline car?
I’ve heard of electric cars, but never got into them since my family and friends always use gasoline powered cars. Well now I know a little about them and I think they’re pretty cool! So just wondering, which of these three cars do you have? And which do you think is better?

Best answer:

Answer by TBirdOmega
I use a gasoline engine. I would happily switch to a hybrid or electric car only if:
1. They start making engines that can last more than 10 years.
2. They start making cars that actually look like something you would want to be seen driving around in.
3. They start making a car that can get from 0-60mph in less than 8.5 seconds and can break past the 100mph mark.
4. For electric cars, it would be nice if they could make one that can do more than 300 miles on a single charge.

What do you think? Answer below!