The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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25 Responses

  1. SandustanBrasov
    The model of thermonuclear controlled reactor proposed of myself- reproduces entirely the conditions from Sun. Viz: 1).-produce a globe of plasma and turned it with 800m/s; 2).-ensure a magnetic trap with two electromagnetic crossed fields which dress and turn the globe of plasma; 3).-supply continuously with hydrogen in state of plasma and ensure the its confination. Moreover, makes possibly the direct gathering of the electrical current.

  2. SandustanBrasov
    The test for nuclear fusion realisation on Tokamak’s installations and with LASER cannot bring anything new for the energetics’ future. I bind the thermonuclear controlled reactor schedule by the Sun model , by the reactive electromagnetic motor schedule from Palenque stone’s tombe. You see the my project for thermonuclear controlled reactor.
    My e-mail:
    You see and You Tube: sandustanBrasov’s Channel

  3. SandustanBrasov
    Attention! In reaction, when the protons and neutrons are in a motion of orderly rotation, in a turning magnetic field and in a orientated electrical field — then following the coupling protons and neutrons in a alpha particles, will be resulted particles of electrical ether and these will be fastly orderly on electrical field’s direction as let be extracted from reaction and guided in electrical network for consumption! These conditions will diminish reaction’s temperature!

  4. Lerner will go down in history as a great scientist who’s brilliant out of the box thinking was not appreciated fully by the mainstream scientific of the time. He angered so many people by proposing an alternative to the Big Bang.

    I’m so glad he has just achieved this.

    “Lerner has gone on to research these devices and in March 2012 his team announced their DPF device had achieved temperatures of 1.8 billion degrees, beating the old record of 1.1 billion that had survived since 1978.”

  5. I get it. The problem is they’re still doing science. They’ll get the real funding after they start building their prototype. They just need final bridging funds to get through the last step in the study, probably the easiest part except for the expense of upgrading components. But that last step will finally show a net output of energy from the process. At that point, they’ll be drowning in investments.

  6. They actually did get some private funding as a result of this talk. But remember, this was several years ago. They’ve made significant process since that day.

  7. These guys need more donations. they just got peer reviewed in AIP plasma journal. They are only one step from net energy now. Check out the wish list. 

  8. responce to goggle question. absolutly invest in this if you can. just look at how many filtty millions are being squandered in this years election cycle, on negetive attack ads alone.
    that money is only to control government to make the donners more money. it want improve the worlds future in any way. this on the other hand can change absolutlly every thing in just a decade or two.

  9. So, 20% loss from Newton’s 2nd; overall 150% increase. That’s still great efficiency considering the cheapness of boron & the absence of any long term radiation. Fission apologists love saying their plants only need 50MW input to generate 1000MW; however, about ½ total energy goes into processing/transporting uranium, another 30% into building/maintaining the central plant/electrical grid, and I’m not even getting into disposing of nuke waste. This is a much better (& safer) net result.

  10. No, it means that 20% of the output energy can NOT be used to generate electricity. It will be wasted as heat and the degradation of components.

    I think he mentioned 1.5 Q which is 150% output vs. input in layman’s terms.

  11. • SandustanBrasov
    Through the whirlpool of the magnetic trap are turned and the neutrons. This is the mode of unfolding of the thermonuclear reaction from Sun. The waiting as the collision of fusion let it make accidental or aleatory is not a solution for a commercial installation. Thus after the lateral coupling proton-neutron-proton-neutron in alpha particle, this will attract and will fix rigid and two electrons forming the normal atom of helium(4/2He).

  12. • SandustanBrasov
    In the tokamak installation the plasma’s components(= protons, neutrons and electrons), it can not arrange in lateral union as let form alpha particles, respective atoms of normal helium(4/2He). Viz, it can not confine the plasmas’s components and it can not realize the starting of the thermonuclear reaction of fusion.

  13. SandustanBrasov
    The introduction in whirlpool through plasmatron to the fuel: deuterium and tritium under shape of plasma and in the magnetic turning field will go at the arrangement for the lateral union of the protons and neutrons in alpha particles. Thus, from the electrical particles of the plasma together with neutrons, through union in alpha particles, respective in atoms of normal helium(4 /2He), become neutral from electrical viewpoint and they will can go out through the magnetic trap

  14. SandustanBrasov
    • The tokamak installation has nothing in common with the Sun and with the thermonuclear controlled fusion. Viz: 1).-can not concentrate and confine the plasma; 2).-can not isolate plasma face of internal walls of the toroidal chamber because they it will smelt at 5…10% from temperature of fusion; 3).-the switchs of heat can not will be used because can not it extract heat from the toroidal chamber.

  15. SandustanBrasov
    The model of thermonuclear controlled reactor proposed of myself- reproduces entirely the conditions from Sun. Viz: 1).-produce a globe of plasma and turned it with 800m/s; 2).-ensure a magnetic trap with two electromagnetic crossed fields which dress and turn the globe of plasma; 3).-supply continuously with hydrogen in state of plasma and ensure the its confination. Moreover, makes possibly the direct gathering of the electrical current.

  16. • SandustanBrasov
    It can direct extract the real electrical loads: particles of electrical ether from spherical chamber of thermonuclear combustion, without utilization the switchs of heat. The extraction of particles of electrical ether it make with the help of the electromagnetic field, such as the resonant generator of the Tesla or any dynamo or allternator.

  17. SandustanBrasov
    At the union the deuterium with the tritium for the formation to the helium, it eliminate energy, tell us – heat – but actually, are particles of electrical ether, proceeded from deuterium and tritium. In order to understand us this affirmation let pass us in reviw all what was tested, was observed and how was interpreted.

  18. SandustanBrasov
    The test for nuclear fusion realisation on Tokamak’s installations and with LASER cannot bring anything new for the energetics’ future. I bind the thermonuclear controlled reactor schedule by the Sun model , by the reactive electromagnetic motor schedule from Palenque stone’s tombe. You see the my project for thermonuclear controlled reactor.
    My e-mail:
    You see and You Tube: sandustanBrasov’s Channel

  19. SandustanBrasov
    The spherical thermonuclear combustion chamber is formed from two joined semispherical parts. The feeding with fuel and electromagnetic filed flux it make through the oriffices from the central part of the semispheres, and the emergence in outside to the electromagnetic field flux it make through the maximum zone, where is joined the semispheres. The two high-speed motors are rotated in the same sense for to establishes a direct electric field between collectors.

  20. SandustanBrasov
    This reactor has spherical combustion chamber, with inner magnetic trap, with the electromagnetic field realized outside and introduced inside the sphere with electromagnetic field and fuel introduction device, and direct colected possibilitys of electrcal energy, with semispherical collectors. The device of introduction is composed from: 1).-two high-speed motors with plasmatron in its central zone; 2).-two magnetic circuits for leading the electromagnetic field flux.

  21. SandustanBrasov
    Thus, with a sure magnetic trap, without switchs of heat and with the direct extraction to the electrical energy=to the particles of electrical ether, it can pass direct at the final phase of obtaining to the commercial controlled thermonuclear reactor. I consider that the price of research and realization in this case, can be of at least 10 times more small than the actual ITER project, and separated can be realized of many countries.

  22. SandustanBrasov
    I turn the globe of plasma for to realize the magnetohydrodynamic principle of directly extraction of the particles of current(electrical ether). The atoms of helium after formation can pass through the texture of the magnetic trap as residue. The electromagnetic field of the magnetic trap must let enter with power for to space out, to press, and turn with 800 m/s the globe of plasma and afterwards fastly let go outside.

2007 Google Tech Talk: Focus Fusion – The Fastest Route to Cheap, Clean Energy?

Before Focus Fusion-1 became operational in October 2009, Eric Lerner presented the plan to make it happen at Google’s Mountain View, CA HQ. What do you think: Is it time Google added aneutronic fusion to its portfolio of wind and solar projects?
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