The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

4 Responses

  1. The chap in the video is describing a MHD (magnetohydrodynamic) generator or dynamo and it transforms thermal energy or kinetic energy directly into electricity by way of magnets. At the current technological level of planet Earth, we are not capable of making it efficient enough, and/or cost effective enough, to run a simple Montel juicer. For you to operate the Honda CRV at 35 mph, promoted by Joe Montana, you would have to pay me about $234,000.00 in addition to the cost of the Honda CRV.

  2. Just wondering what people’s thought’s on these devices are? There seems to be a lot of information on the internet about these devices, small protypes and the such. If they are real, why are we not using them. Or is this idea of (I won’t say perpetual) free energy not possible. This would be the #1 myth I would love to know the answer to.

  3. Nice video. I have seen it several times. SCAM


    There is absolutely nothing in the video that is either unusual or extraordinary. Rather there are subtle clues to the deceptive nature of the presentation.

    First lets understand the difference between a generator that is producing power and one that is simply spinning. A generator producing power will do so at a constant speed under load. Perhaps you have noticed that when you take your foot off the clutch of a car the RPM of the engine will decrease. You can add gas to speed it up and that is how we make a standard shift car go. But if the back wheels of the car were in the air the engine would not slow down when you took your foot off the clutch. Similarly with a big enough engine and a small enough load you would hardly notice that the engine was spinning down. Instead of a meter to show power we see a light bulb. It appears bright but it is very difficult to see a change in light intensity.

    He “starts” the motor with his finger but this is a bit of misdirection. In this way you won’t focus on the electric motor that spins the “generator up to speed.” That motor is out of sight and we never actually see it.

    That big generator is massive compared to that light bulb even when he unplugs it, with good bearings it will spin for a while. We never get to see the gages very well and can’t see it slowly decreasing in output.

    He mentions that he “got rid of the crankshaft and injectors.” This is another bit of misdirection. These are parts of an internal combustion engine. Electric motors and generators don’t have these parts in any event.

    Later we see a car driving around. OK but what is to say that the vehicle is not being powered by the battery in the vehicle. It will last for a while. Certainly enough to take some video.

    Previously he started his generator with his finger and spun it up using an electric motor that we didn’t see. That has no bearing on the car but by seeing the two in sequence we assume that it is the same thing. He never says it is. No. Sadly to say, It is a nice bit of con.

    See the website below if you are still curious about magnetic motors.

  4. Liquid methane is easily obtainable for it is a product of Agriculture. Yes I believe refining animal waste in relation to that fossil fuel is far easier in this oil dependent economy. Mainly, because you don’t have to redesign everything (combustion wise) to convert to liquid methane.

Car that runs on self propelled magnetic engine ?

Question by : Car that runs on self propelled magnetic engine ?
Hey this is a question to all experts on motors and cars out there.
In this video is showed a car that runs on a self propelled magnetic motor –

At the middle of the video he shows how he installed it in his automobile and even drives a little bit the car.
I see this is some alternative for saving money on gas and oil.
However my question is purely practical.
If it really works the way he shows it how much does approximately costs for the materials, assembling and the reinstatement on a car’s body.

I’ll be glad if I hear resonances only from people that have knowledge and experience on the topic.

Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Spider Boy
Where does it get its power from? Electricity? Gasoline? Wood? Coal?

What do you think? Answer below!