Question by Petey: My hair gets greasy every day I don’t wash it, and I have scalp acne?? Help please!!?
It seems like this all started after last year when I shaved my head, and I don’t know why, but ever since I shaved my head a year ago (its long and grown out now), my hair gets greasy when I don’t wash it for a day or two and I keep getting pretty bad scalp zits in various places, most often on the top at the back of my head.
It just gets pretty irritating…and about a month ago I bleached my hair twice, thought that might kill off some of the grease and oil production, but no luck.
Also, I blow dry and flat iron my hair almost every day, so I dunno if that has something to do with it???
Any suggestions for getting rid of the oil and scalp zits??? It’s gone on for months now =(
Best answer:
Answer by GoodOL’Cotton
wash your hair more
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