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Question by Requiem of Spirit: Are Americans dumb enough to believe that their media gives them an accurate portrayal of the outside world?
American media is notorious for distorting the perception of the cultures & countries of non-American peoples. They would have you believe that China is ruled with an iron fist (which it isn’t), the Middle East constantly has mortars going off (not restricted to specific countries), and finally, and this is the reason for this question, that Africans are primitive jungle creatures who wear loin cloths & swing from trees

Okay, lets discuss Africa & Africans. We will exclude Noth Africa which is associated with Arabs, and South Africa which Whites have occupied for as much as 4 centuries, Restricting this conversation to East & West Africa, and discussing countries like


Ghana, a country ruled top to bottom by Black Sub-saharan Africans, is the most politically stable country on the entire continent of Africa. More stable than the Arab run Egypt which is debating bombing Israel , and White & Indian controlled (business wise) South Africa which is still reeling from the after effects of Apartheid. Ghana has a Demoratic system of government, and has had several elections since 1970. It has infrastructure–Universities, Hospitals, etc. It has issued stock internationally to encourage foreign investment. It regularly sends students abroad to study & many do well


Nigeria. Nigeria is one of the top 5 suppliers of oil to the U.S.. It has a bigger population than any other African country, and Nigerians form the largest African immigrant group outside West Africa. Nigerians are also one of the highest educated groups in the U.S. & the UK. One Notable Nigerian is Phillip Emeagwalli, a computer scientist who have one of the highest recorded IQ’s in the world. Nigeria’s problems stem from corruption that is not helped by so called “aid” that is used to manipulate 7 coerce African politicians

Kenya. Kenya is an East African country who’s GDP, a few decades ago, was growing FASTER than China’s (a country on ther verge of becoming a world super-power). Corruption, once again not helped by many Western countries like the US., effectively killed this momentum

Darfur. Darfur is a perfect example of how Western powers screw with Africa. American companies have no problem doing business with oppressive regimes that genocide thousands of people, allowing them to stay intact & prolong their strangle hold on political power. Weapons companies, for example, have had moral qualms about doing business in Darfur

The American CIA has interferred several times with African politics in order to manipulate & handicap Africa. Like deposing Ghana’s former president Kwame Nkrumah whose economic policies they didn’t like & replacing him with a dictator, as well as bombing, yes American bombed, Darfur (a hospital that was making medicine). Killing a large part of it health sector, infrastructure, and population


Best answer:

Answer by Nora
Unfortunately, yes. Most Americans are just too busy, ignorant, or lazy to find out the truth about the rest of the world, let alone do something about it.

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