The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

24 Responses

  1. good information. never heard of EV1 cars before sad story. no meter, no project !

  2. I believe it was around 2007. It was squelched pretty quickly too, but fortunately Youtube existed to enable it to get the publicity it needed to make an impact.

  3. Unite together with Our Friends here and everywhere..We r showering Divine Love and Blessings from our ♥s 2 all beautiful Islands of Japan and Our Beloved Earth and Humanity ♥ safely shifting 2 The Golden Crystal Age~Happiness 2 All~Oneness Love and Light Infinite~Thank U Beloved Mighty I Am Presence♥Heaven and Earth United Us~We R accepting these divine~Gifts~of I AM~Oneness Love Light Supreme Infinite~The Light of God that Never Fails~in all its forms~We R Forever Flowering

  4. I wonder when this movie was made, because things are getting a lot more fuel efficient with a lot more hybrids as well electric vehicles.

  5. I saw on the Discovery Channel, that some 17 year old kid from somewhere in Canada build his own electric car “engine” in his old gas-gulser. It went about 50km on a single charge. His parents think it costs about $5-10 per month to charge the car every day.

    If a 17 year old can build his own, why the hell can’t anyone in the oil industry provide electric cars in all price ranges?

  6. because Demturds and Repubicons don’t work for you….
    and push for globalist agenda’s such as ENRON Ken Lay and his buddies CARBON CREDIT scam…for global governance and economy…like they haven’t been intentional destroying the global economy we have now…on the way to the next “nwo”…
    the “nwo” some 70yr old guy was explaining to em at the dept store the other day.

  7. Volcanoes emit around 0.3 billion tonnes of CO2 per year. This is about 1% of human CO2 emissions which is around 29 billion tonnes per year.

  8. wow…what an ugly car…why do electric cars have to be so ugly? is because they really dont want you to buy them?

  9. a volcano eruption emits more co2 then 100 years of human activity… electric cars are good, but don’t fall for the new scientific dictatorship

  10. i cannot believe this happened..there are powers that do not care at all, only interested in control of old ways..

  11. Let’s hope this time Tesla Motors is gonna kick GM’s butt and all their butts, of all other oil addicted assholes!

  12. czarna wdowa, czarna wdowa-jeśli to przeczytałeś to w ciągu 24 godz. czarna wdowa wejdzie do twojego pokoju i wciągnie cię pod ziemie i ukradnie twoją dusze.Jeśli nie wierzysz to uwierz bo zagineło w ten sposób 86 osób.Jak chcesz tego uniknąć to wklej to do 8 komentarzy, masz na to 20 min. inaczej nigdy nie zobaczysz już twoich bliskich.

  13. how about supplies of lithium for batteries ? Anyone seen a lithium mine ? that is the biggest hurdle in the electric car becoming the mainstream as most known deposits of lithium are in places not overly friendly to western interests

  14. We got technology 2 where we can have electric cars that charge with the sun & never plug em n. But. We gotta figure out the big rigs & everything else non electric 2 make them electric also, Planes, boats, the electric train, we should B ahead n the world with this. Yes. Electric is the future & im sick a waitin around u no. Oil companies r screwing us n the butt so, technology is here we just gotta do it. The electric vehicles is coming with N 5 years ur ryt on my friend. B groovy coming.

  15. “people don’t want a mini-tiny car, that has 15” wheels on there, how is he gonna’ fix that up and go around the town….” ild show u “around the town” muthafuka fat bastard all with ur crap hummer…stupid fk

Who Killed The Electric Car / FULL MOVIE / subtitles FR, ES, PL, EN, SL

do you whant to know whay we do not have electric cars ? It is not because of technology is because big fossil fuels corporations do not want them !
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